Record and Enrollment Changes

Any changes to your record or enrollment after the application or certification process must be reported to Seminole State's Veterans Affairs Office and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs as soon as possible.

Some of the most common types of changes are detailed below.

Address Changes

If you move while you are enrolled in classes at Seminole State, you must update your address with the College's Veterans Affairs and Registration and Records offices. Changing your address with one office will not carry over to the other office. You must complete a separate form for each office.

Credit-Hour Changes

Dropping a class or being dropped or withdrawn from a class may affect your monthly benefit payments and/or result in a tution and fees overpayment by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Overpayments must be repaid to the VA.

Dependent Status Changes

If you are receiving Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program benefits (Chapter 31), you will receive an additional monetary allowance for each of your dependents. Changes can occur when:

  • One of your dependent children reaches the age of 18. You may continue to receive an allowance for that child if he or she is still in high school or enrolled in college courses. However, you must complete and submit VA Form 21-674: Request for Approval of School Attendance.
  • You have a child. You must submit a certified copy of the child's birth certificate.
  • One of your dependents dies. You must submit a certified copy of the dependent's death certificate.
  • You get married. You must submit a certified copy of your marriage certificate.
  • You get divorced. You must submit a certified copy of the divorce decree.

Change in Place of Training

If you are planning to transfer to or from Seminole State, you must complete either VA Form 22-1995: Request for Change of Program or Place of Training or VA Form 22-5495: Dependents' Request for Change of Program or Place of Training, depending on your benefit program.

Withdrawal from School

If you are considering dropping all of your classes, please contact the College's Veterans Affairs Office immediately. There are several factors you should be aware of before you withdraw completely.


Office of Veteran Student Services
Sanford/Lake Mary Campus
Student Center (SC), Room 266 - 2nd Floor
407.708.2242 | Fax: 407.708.2564
Lee Campus at Oviedo 
407.708.5086 | Room OVF-101D