Seminole State Volunteers

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi
Volunteering at Seminole State College
Serving the community is an important component of the student experience at Seminole State College. Students can find service opportunities at each of the Seminole State campuses. Events are organized both at a college wide level and as campus-specific projects. Look at the schedules below to find events scheduled for your campus.
Seminole State Volunteers Directors
Are you interested in organizing service events at Seminole State College? Do you have a passion for volunteer work? Do you want to develop your leadership skills while making a difference in your community? Then apply to become a Seminole State Volunteers Team Member. We are always looking for dedicated individuals willing to develop themselves by helping out in the community.
If you're interested in being part of the group that organizes the events or if all you want to do is help out, contact the Seminole State Volunteers adviser, Randy Pawlowski, at 407.708.2320
Service Fairs
Service fairs are organized at each Seminole State campus at the beginning of the Fall and Spring Terms. The fairs represent a great opportunity for student to learn about different service opportunities across Seminole County and in Central Florida in general.
Service Days
During the Fall, Spring and Summer terms, the Office of Student Life sponsors Service Days designed to give students the opportunity to volunteer and serve while helping to build a sense of community at Seminole State. Service Days allow students a chance to network with their peers and with local and national service agencies.
Students can find a schedule of all service events and RSVP on RaiderConnect.
Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for an agency to volunteer with to complete service hours requirements or just have fun? Explore the list of partnered agencies to find the best fit for you.
- Christian HELP
- Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida
- Habitat for Humanity of Seminole County and Greater Apopka
- Harvest Time International
- IDignity Sanford
- Meals on Wheels
- Mustard Seed Florida
- Orlando Union Rescue Mission
- Rescue Outreach Mission
- Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida
- United Against Poverty
- Straight Street Orlando