Dual Enrollment Program
Summer 2025 Dates and Deadlines
- 3.27.25 - Class registration begins.
- 3.28.25 - New student applications due.
- 5.5.25 - Class registration ends.
The Dual Enrollment Program allows qualified students to take college classes and earn credit toward high school and an Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree, Associate in Science (A.S.) degree or a career certificate at the same time.
Do You Have Questions About Dual Enrollment at Seminole State?
Are you a prospective Dual Enrollment student looking to learn more about the program? We are hosting Information Sessions that will provide you with the information needed to participate. Each session will last approximately one hour and will include a time for question and answer.
Registration is required. The meeting information is below and we hope to see you soon.
Information Session Dates
May 14 |
Dual Enrollment Application Steps
To be eligible to dual enroll, students must:
- Be in the 6th - 12th grade.
- Have successfully completed at least one high school level course
- Be enrolled as a
- Seminole County Public School (SCPS) student
- A registered Home School student with Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS) or Orange County Pubic Schools (OCPS)
- A Personalized Education Program (PEP) student residing in Seminole or Orange county
- A full-time Florida Virtual School (FLVS) student
- A student at an eligible private school
- Private schools must have an articulation agreement with Seminole State College of Florida before their students may participate in Dual Enrollment. Review the Articulation website for a list of private schools that currently have an agreement with us.
- Private schools in Orange or Seminole county interested in partnering with Seminole State may submit an Interest Form to our Office of Articulation. Please note: Only administrators at the private school should complete this form.
- Have an eligible GPA.
- For Academic Dual Enrollment, students must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative, unweighted, high school GPA.
- For Career Dual Enrollment, students must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative, unweighted, high school GPA.
Seminole State offers two dual enrollment paths:
- General Education Path
- Fulfills General Education courses toward an Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree.
- The A.A. degree is guaranteed to transfer to any Florida public institution and complete the General Education requirements of that institution.
- A cumulative, unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 is required for this program.
- Students must meet the prerequisite testing requirements for the course(s) they desire to take.
- Career Path
- Fulfills credit toward an Associate in Science (A.S.) degree or career certificate that may lead into an A.S. degree in select programs such as Criminal Justice, Computers, and Business.
- Students may enroll in Career Dual Enrollment with a 2.5 cumulative, unweighted high school GPA. However, if the A.S. program requires General Education courses, students must have a 3.0 GPA to take those courses.
Complete the Dual Enrollment Admission Application which can be found on the Resources page.
- Must be complete with all approval signatures including the student, parent/guardian and high school counselor (if applicable).
- Please note: The email address added to the application should be the student's personal email address, not the email address assigned by their high school.
Completed applications can be submitted to any Seminole State College of Florida campus where a Student Success Specialist will assist the student in enrolling into the program, if eligible.
Home School Students
In addition to completing the Dual Enrollment Application, home school students must also provide the following:
- Home School Articulation Agreement
- A verification/enrollment letter which details that the student is currently registered as a home school student in Seminole or Orange counties.
Please view the Resources webpage for the most recent admission and agreement forms.
Personalized Education Program
In addition to completing the Dual Enrollment Application, Personalized Education Program (PEP) students must also provide the following:
- Signed PEP Articulation Agreement
- Proof that scholarship funds have been awarded
- Proof that the student resides in Orange or Seminole counties via a state of government issued ID for the student or the parent/guardian who signed the admission application.
Only PEP students residing in Seminole or Orange counties may participate in Seminole State's Dual Enrollment.
Please view the Resources webpage for the most recent admission and agreement forms.
The Seminole State account username is created automatically when the student is matriculated. Students will receive two emails to the personal email address used during time of application. These emails will provide account details, instructions on how to activate the account, and information to setup the password through the Microsoft Password Reset Portal (SSPR).
Students who are pursuing the Academic Dual enrollment Track must meet the pre-requisite testing requirements for the subject area of the courses they desire to take. Students may meet the testing requirements via the ACT, SAT, and/or the PERT Exam. The Accuplacer is reserved specifically for Full-time Florida Virtual School students and students and students who desire to take higher level math courses. More information about the PERT exam can be found on our Testing and Assessment website.
The (minimum) eligible test scores are below:
Test | Reading | Writing | Math |
ACT | 19 | 17 | 19 (MAT1033, MGF1130, MGF1131, STA2023) 21 (MAC1105, MGF1130, MGF1131, STA2023) |
SAT | 24 | 25 | 24 (MAT1033, MGF1130, MGF1131, STA2023) 26.5 (MAC1105, MGF1130, MGF1131, STA2023) |
Digital SAT (Since June 2023) | 490 | 480 (MAT1033, MGF1130, MGF1131, STA2023) 530 (MAC1105, MGF1130, MGF1131, STA2023) | |
PERT | 106 | 103 | 114 (MAT1033, MGF1130, MGF1131, STA2023) 123 (MAC1105, MGF1130, MGF1131, STA2023) |
Accuplacer 10.1.22 and after | 256 | 253 | QAS- 261 for MAT 1033 AAF-263 (MAC 1105, MGF1130, MGF1131, STA2023) |
Summer 2025 Dates and Deadlines
- 3.27.25 - Class registration begins.
- 3.28.25 - New student applications due.
- 5.5.25 - Class registration ends.
Dual enrolled students are eligible to take up to 10 credit hours per semester, including the summer semester.
Please note: Dual enrolled students are not able to register themselves for classes. DE students will have two holds on their account preventing self-registration. DE students must follow the instructions below in order to register for courses:
To register for courses, please follow the instructions below:
- Select the courses you desire to take.
- Review the courses that Academic Dual Enrollment and Career Dual Enrollment are eligible to take.
- Academic Dual Enrollment (Associates in Arts Degree) can be taken with a 3.o or higher unweighted high school GPA and passing test scores to meet pre-requisite requirements of the subject area.
- Career Dual Enrollment can be taken with a 2.5 or higher, unweighted high school GPA and no test scores necessary.
- Review the Course Catalog to find courses offered for the semester.
- You can also meet with your high school counselor or a Dual Enrollment representative for assistance in course selection.
- Review the courses that Academic Dual Enrollment and Career Dual Enrollment are eligible to take.
- Complete the Course Registration Form
- SCPS, OCPS, and FLVS (full time) students must have their high school counselors sign their registration form to show approval of courses.
- Private School Students, only: Complete the 869 Form(Private School students).
- Home school, SCPS, OCPS and FLVS students do not need to complete the 869 form.
- Submit both the Course Registration Form and the 869 forms (if applicable) to Seminole State College
- Visit a Student Success Specialist on any Seminole State College campus. The hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Monday-Thursday) and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Friday). Please Note: The campus is closed on Fridays throughout the summer.
- Please note: The student must be present to submit forms.
Dual enrolled students are not permitted to register for the courses listed below:
- Clock hour programs that do not lead to industry certification
- Courses that are less than 3 credit hours
- Exception: EGS 1006, EGN 1007, EGS 2931 and courses required for the honors program
- Limited access degree programs (Nursing, Police Academy, Fire Fighting, etc.)
- Seminole State Automotive programs
- Developmental courses, ROTC or physical education courses
- Bachelor's Degree program courses
Dual enrolled students must maintain the following grade point average (GPA) in order to remain eligible for Dual Enrollment:
- A 3.0 high school GPA for Academic Dual Enrollment
- A 2.5 high school GPA for Career Dual Enrollment
- A 2.0 cumulative Seminole State College GPA
Grade Forgiveness
Students who do not meet the 2.0 college GPA requirement and wish to continue to participate in the dual enrollment program will ONLY be allowed to enroll in those courses in which they failed or received a W and must do the following:
- Students who earn a grade of “W, D," or “F” during their first semester of dual enrollment will be permitted to repeat the course if they meet the high school GPA requirement.
- When repeating the course, the student must earn a “C” or better in order to be eligible to continue to participate in the Dual Enrollment program.
- After the first semester of Dual Enrollment, students who earn a grade of “W, "D” or “F” in a Dual Enrollment class, have a SSC cumulative GPA of less than 2.0, and wish to continue to participate in the Dual Enrollment program will be required to repeat the course in which he/she earned the “D” or “F” grade during the subsequent semester in which the course is offered and must still meet the high school GPA.
Students who repeat a course for grade forgiveness and earn a W, D, or F upon the second attempt- resulting in their SSC cumulative GPA being below 2.0- are no longer eligible to participate in the Dual Enrollment program. Dual Enrolled students may not attempt the same course at the College more than two times.
If the student still meets the minimum College and high school grade point requirements, they are allowed to enroll in courses that were not completed successfully as grade forgiveness courses as well as additional courses. The grade forgiveness policy can be found at www.seminolestate.edu/cataloq/studentinfo/records/grade-forgiveness-policy.
If a student earns more than one “D” or “F" grade in a semester and is no longer qualified for Dual Enrollment due to the College GPA falling below a 2.0, the student will not be permitted to return to regular dual enrollment status until each course has been repeated and the student has earned a grade of “C" or better in each course.
Please note: Dual Enrollment students may not attempt the same course at the colleges more than two times.
Steps to Drop a Course(s)
Students are able to drop courses without penalty up until the Drop Deadline. See the Academic Calendar for a full list of dates and deadlines. When a student removes a course prior to the Drop Deadline, there will be no penalty and no record of ever having been enrolled in the course on the on the academic record.
To drop a course, students must complete the following steps:
- Complete the Registration Form (bottom "Courses to be Dropped" section only).
- Submit the completed form to a Student Services Specialist on any Seminole State College campus prior to the deadline as stated in the Academic Calendar.
Steps to Withdraw
Courses removed after the Drop Deadline are considered a Withdrawal. Students can withdraw from a course until the Withdraw Deadline for the term. See the Academic Calendar for a full list of dates and deadlines. After the Withdraw Deadline, a student cannot remove a course from their schedule.
Please note: Withdrawing from a course will not negatively impact the GPA. However, the grade of "W" will reflect on the college transcript/student record. Withdrawing from courses may also negatively impact the student's ability to receive Federal Financial Aid in the future. A grade of "W4" can be administered by the faculty member for "no-show" and will count as an attempt.
To withdraw from a course, the student must:
- Complete the Withdraw Form. The form must be signed by the high school guidance counselor (except for home school students and PEP students) and by the student.
- Submit the completed form (in person) to a Student Services Specialist on any Seminole State College campus prior to the deadline as stated in the Academic Calendar.
Pickup Info & Deadline
Spring 2025 textbooks
should be picked up by
Friday, January 24, 2025.
One very important step in your journey at Seminole State College of Florida is having the course materials needed for the classes you are registered to take.
An ideal time to have your textbooks in hand is no later than 1 week prior to classes beginning. If you have not done so already, please be sure to obtain your textbooks using the instructions below:
Textbook Instructions
How to get your Dual Enrollment books.
- You will need to make sure you have access to your Seminole State Email. This is where you will get all of your notifications!
- All Digital Books are sent via Student Email.
It's imperative you gain access to your Seminole State Email and check it regularly.
Pickup Process
- Seminole State Sends a Master List.
Seminole State College will send a Master List of all Dual Enrollment students to the bookstore. They will begin creating orders. Be sure to register early! - Bookstore Creates Orders.
Once they've create an order for you, you'll receive an email confirming this order. The order isn't processed yet, so you should take not action at this time. - Digital Course Materials
If any of your items are digital, you'll receive an email for each one. Follow the email's instructions to access your digital items. There is nothing else for you to do for these items. - Printed Books and Access Codes
If your class requires a printed book or access card, you'll receive another email saying your order is Ready for Pickup. At this time, come to the specific campus bookstore listed on that email to get your item(s).
Your order will not be available at a different campus bookstore.
Please note: Dual Enrollment only covers required course materials/textbooks. Students are not permitted to obtain other items, such as calculators, office items and apparel through Dual Enrollment. Students must pay for these items for themselves.
Need Help?
If you have questions, concerns, or issues regarding this process, please email the Seminole State College Bookstore or call 407.708.2021. High School Counselors also have this information.
Textbook Returns
- SCPS students must return textbooks back to the High School textbook manager at the end of the semester.
- All students who drop a course during the add/drop period must return the textbook(s) to the Seminole State College bookstore. This includes both digital codes and hard copy textbooks.
- Please inform the bookstore representative that you are a Dual Enrollment student at the time of textbook return.
The Dual Enrollment team is here to support all current Dual Enrollment students through scheduled appointments. To schedule a meeting with a team member, please review the Dual Enrollment Advising Calendar below and choose a time that works best for you.
Appointments are available in-person, by phone, or via Zoom, depending on the team member’s availability, which is listed on the appointment registration page. Please indicate your preferred meeting format when you register. Once your appointment is confirmed, you’ll receive a confirmation email with all the details.
Meet Our Advisors
- Tracey Krajewski: Available for in-person and Zoom meetings
- Adriana Parisi: Available for Zoom and phone meetings
*Important Note: These appointments are reserved for current Dual Enrollment students. Prospective students should attend a monthly Information Session, available on the Future Students page.
Current and prospective Dual Enrollment students are welcome to receive assistance without an appointment during our Walk-In Wednesday hours, from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Please check the calendar below to confirm availability.
There are two convenient ways to meet with a team member during Walk-In Wednesday:
- Virtual Walk-In Wednesday (via Zoom):
Meet with a Dual Enrollment team member virtually between 10:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Access Virtual Walk-In Wednesday - In-Person Walk-In:
Meet with a team member in person at our Sanford/Lake Mary campus between 10:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Dual Enrollment Advising Calendar
Honors Option
Dual Enrollment students may also eligible to apply for the Grindle Honors Institute at Seminole State College.
The benefits of the Honors Institute include:
- An Honors diploma or certificate
- Smaller, engaging, innovated courses
- Graduation recognition and more
More information can be found on the Honors Institute website.
Collegiate High School
Are you a Crooms or Lake Howell student? Learn more about our Collegiate High School.
Submit an Intent to Graduate Form by the Posted Deadline
- Make an appointment with a Dual Enrollment advisor to review your coursework.
- Complete an Intent to Graduate form.
- Submit your completed Intent to Graduate (ITG) form to the Dual Enrollment Email inbox. Your assigned advisor will send your degree audit along with your Intent to Graduate (ITG) form to the Graduation Office by the deadline if you are eligible. Please send the ITG to dualenrollment@seminolestate.edu between 1.16.25-2.13.25 if you are planning to graduate in Spring 2025. This must be sent from your Seminole State College email.
- Submit any AP or CLEP scores from College Board to Seminole State College before you submit your ITG.
- Register to take the FCLE before you submit your ITG form.
- Submit your official high school transcript showing your two years of a foreign language before you submit your ITG to Seminole State College.
- After you graduate from high school, and your HS transcript shows a graduation date, submit an official HS transcript to Seminole State. Your degree will not be conferred without proof of a high school graduation date.
- Submit a Student Records Information Change Form if necessary to update your name and/or mailing address.
Have you submitted your final high school transcript?
Upon graduating from your high school, you will need to submit your official, final high school transcript. Typically, the transcript is not available until a few weeks post high school graduation. Official, final transcripts must be sent to the College at: Seminole State College of Florida, Enrollment Services, 100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford, FL 32773. Your high school may also have the ability to submit the transcript to us digitally. If you prefer to submit a hard copy be sure that the hard copy remains sealed/unopened.
Home school students must submit the Home School Affidavit.
Have you completed the Steps to Enroll?
If you are looking to continue your education with Seminole State post high school graduation, you will need to follow the Steps to Enroll for a first-time- in college students. Please note: Dual Enrolled students can begin to take classes during the Summer B term. Please view the Academic Calendar for dates.
Delayed Credit
If a high school senior desires to take courses prior to the Summer B term, the student must apply for Delayed Credit. Delayed Credit is a program for high school seniors wanting to enroll in classes but will not graduate high school until the term has already begun.
We wish you all the best in your continued journey! Don't forget to submit your Seminole State transcripts to your institution of choice.
Admission Application
- Dual Enrollment Application
- Home School Articulation Agreement (2024-2025)
- Personalized Education Program (PEP) Articulation Agreement (2024-2025)
View the Dual Enrollment Calendar
Important Dates!Registration Forms and Guides
- Course Registration Form
- How to Register for Classes Guide
- Common Dual Enrollment Courses
- Private School 869 Form
- Withdraw Form
- Intent to Graduate Form
Florida Department of Education Resources
- Dual Enrollment Course Equivalency List
- This list is helpful in determining the number of high school and college credits awarded for Dual Enrollment classes and highlights required General Education courses.
- Comparison of Florida's Articulated Programs Chart
- Dual Enrollment Statement of Transfer Guarantees
Additional Resources
- Associate in Arts (AA) Degree Requirements
- 2024-2025 General Education Requirements PDF
- Courses that can be taken with a 2.5GPA and no test scores
- Assessment and Testing Office - PERT
- Tips for Successful Dual Enrollment
- Are you a student with a disability? The office of Disability Support Services(DSS) may be able to assist you with your accommodation needs.
- Please note: In college, the student must self-identify to the DSS office.
- The DSS office provides a helpful chart to understand the difference between the college and high school academic accommodations process.
To request more information about Seminole State's Dual Enrollment Program, as well as other educational opportunities, please email dualenrollment@seminolestate.edu .