Available GEM Courses

The following GEM approved CCAF General Education courses are available that will satisfy the CCAF 15 hours of general education:

Oral Communications (0 - 3 hours) Speech.

SPC 1608 - Speech Communication

Written Communications (3 - 6 hours) 

ENC 1101 - English I
ENC 1102 - English II

Mathematics (3 hours)

MAC 1105 - College Algebra
MGF 1106 - College Mathematics
MGF 1107 - Liberal Arts Mathematics
STA 2023 - Statistical Methods I

Social Sciences (3 hours) 

AMH 2010 - United States History to 1865
ANT 2000 - General Anthropology
ECO 2013 - Principles of Economics (MACRO)
POS 2041 - U.S. Federal Government
PSY 2012 - General Psychology
SYG 2000 - Introduction to Sociology

Humanities (3 hours) 

ARH 1000 - Art Appreciation
HUM 2020 - Experiencing the Humanities
MUL 2010 - Music Appreciation
PHI 2010 - Introduction to Philosophy I
THE 2000 - Theatre Appreciation


Office of Veteran Student Services
Sanford/Lake Mary Campus
Student Center (SC), Room 266 - 2nd Floor
407.708.2242 | Fax: 407.708.2564
Lee Campus at Oviedo 
407.708.5086 | Room OVF-101D