GEM Information and Resources

Course/Term Length

Seminole State College offers year-round operations.  The academic year is 12 months and includes the following features:

  • The College calendar is coordinated with state university calendars.
  • The College offers three academic terms with multiple sessions within each term, making it possible for students to complete programs early or take developmental course work if necessary.
    • Academic terms include: Fall, Spring and Summer. 
    • Academic sessions within the academic term include: Full-Term (FT), Session A, 12-week (12W), Session B and Odd-Term (OT).
  • Extracurricular activities are offered throughout the year.

The online Catalog and Academic Calendar have important information and deadlines.

Student Academic Support Resources


Office of Veteran Student Services
Sanford/Lake Mary Campus
Student Center (SC), Room 266 - 2nd Floor
407.708.2242 | Fax: 407.708.2564
Lee Campus at Oviedo 
407.708.5086 | Room OVF-101D