Project Staff


Most grant budgets include some type of personnel expenses. All positions/salary expenses that are authorized to be paid using grant funds are defined in the approved grant proposal.  

As with all things that pertain to grants management, grants are required to adhere to College policies, procedures and practices, including the hiring and salary structure of all grant-funded staff. Consequently, the salary schedules used to establish the pay for all College personnel must also be used to determine the salary levels for grant-funded employees. All grant-funded staff also are required to complete a grant-specific Conflict of Interest form that is distributed at the initial grants management meeting.  

When a position is grant funded, the rate of pay is determined by the College's salary schedule and should not exceed the dollars allocated in the approved grant budget. The rate of pay allocated to grant positions in the approved grant budget is dependent upon many factors, including the complexity and timing of the duties to be performed, funder requirements, and the qualifications and credentials required for the position. With grants, whether the person is an existing employee or a new hire can make a difference as well. It is best to consult with William Osborne at ext. 4631 if any questions arise during the hiring process, whether new or existing employees are involved.

Every individual who is paid to work on a grant project must complete monthly Time and Effort forms. William will provide these forms to the project director during the initial grants management meeting. If personnel costs are included as a match commitment in your grant, those individuals will need to complete Time and Effort forms as well.

The Human Resources website has a comprehensive list of useful resources such as HR forms, salary schedule and job descriptions.

Many funders have very stringent prior approval restrictions regarding the transfer of funds to or from the personnel GL codes (both salary and fringe benefits) and/or the creation of new positions in the grant budget. Please consult with William Osborne to ensure that prior approval from your funder is not needed before making any personnel changes to your grant.


Dr. Jennifer Keefe
Director, Grants Development & Management

Tonia Lambert
Manager, Grants Support & Effectiveness