
Contrary to popular belief, grants are not "free" money. Grants are awarded with many strings attached. In addition to expectations for activity performance and outcomes, grant funds are governed by a multitude of laws, regulations, rules and policies.

When the College accepts a grant award, it commits to comply with all specifications under which that award is administered. Although we in the Grants Department are here to provide you with support and guidance, and the grant project director is responsible for overall grant administration, the challenge is that no single individual or department possesses all of the knowledge and skills needed to run a grant. Teamwork and shared knowledge are critical to compliance and success.

Plus, grants management/compliance is a continuously moving target: Rules and regulations vary by funder, may change over time and circumstance, and are subject to changing funder interpretations. For example, the Federal Government recently issued a new grant regulatory document, the Uniform Grant Guidelines (UGG), effective Dec. 26, 2014. UGG replaced and consolidated several of the circulars issued by the White House Office for Management and Budget (OMB), imposing many new and revised requirements on higher education grantees such as Seminole State College.

To provide you with the most accurate and current grants management/compliance information, we have transformed the traditional printed Grants Management Handbook into a living, Web-based resource. These postaward Web pages, which the Grants Department will update periodically as needed, are designed to provide you with basic guidance on the most common grants management/compliance issues. 


Dr. Jennifer Keefe
Director, Grants Development & Management

Tonia Lambert
Manager, Grants Support & Effectiveness