Grants Department Mission

What We Do

At Seminole State College, the Grants Department's mission is to support our institutional mission while improving the lives of our students, our faculty and our community. 

We do this by securing funding to enhancing the effectiveness and impact of Seminole State College's operations and academic programs.  

All grant applications must go through the Grants Department. No faculty or staff member should apply for a grant without consulting with us, as outlined in Procedure 1.1900

The Grants Department will assist you with:

  • Pre-award planning, including:
  • Post-award grant management, including:
    • Award acceptance
    • Reporting 
    • Contacting the funding agency
    • Budget modifications
    • Ongoing guidance and support
    • Award closeout
    • Document and data retention
    • Telling your grant's story

Grants are not intended to be a long-term funding source. Our main goal is to help you find and manage funding that allows for the creation of new initiatives and special projects.

Within our main goal, we:

  • Strongly encourage collaboration and communication across the College during the writing process
  • Encourage collaboration with agencies outside the College, where appropriate
  • Strive to create competitive applications
  • Help to ensure compliance with funding agency policies
  • Work to minimize risk to the College 


Dr. Jennifer Keefe
Director, Grants Development & Management

Tonia Lambert
Manager, Grants Support & Effectiveness