Communications with the Funder

Grants management is often similar to playing a game of chess or dominoes -- every decision should be strategic in moving you toward your goal. Sometimes, even with the best of intentions, communications with the funder can set off a series of unexpected events with unintended consequences.

Fortunately, at your disposal you have a team of professionals in the Grants Department who have extensive and diverse grants management knowledge and experience. A major function of the Grants Department is to help you by facilitating fully informed grant decision making, factoring in the options and risks (both large and small) associated with grants management decisions.

Project directors and project administrators should use the Grants Department as an internal information resource prior to initiating or responding to a communication involving the funder. The Grants Department will assess your needs, help determine next steps and provide you with draft language for funder communications as appropriate. Following this process will minimize the risk factors and increase the possibility of a positive outcome. If you have any questions about communications, contact William Osborne at ext. 4631.

Internal Communication

By nature, grants cannot be operated in isolation. No one person knows it all or can do it all! Your work depends upon the collaborative spirit of a College team that includes the Grants Department, the Office of Finance and Budget, Human Resources and others. There may be occasions when you need or want to communicate with someone specific at the College. Here are a few examples:

  • Have good news to share about something exciting happening with your grant? Email Kim Allen, manager of public relations and communications.
  • Need to contact administrators regarding grant progress? Project directors should maintain close contact with their administrators so that their administrators stay informed and share information accordingly.
  • Have any questions about compliance and grants management issues? Contact William Osborne, coordinator of grants support and effectiveness, at ext. 4631. It is always easier to deal proactively with a small problem or question than to let it snowball into a major concern. William is particularly helpful if you are seeking guidance about allowable activities or expenditures; identifying alternatives when addressing grant administration challenges; possible budget transfers; measuring and achieving outcomes; recordkeeping and closeout.


Dr. Jennifer Keefe
Director, Grants Development & Management

Tonia Lambert
Manager, Grants Support & Effectiveness