Federal regulations require that all students who receive financial assistance demonstrate that they are moving through their academic program at a reasonable rate and are making progress toward their degree. Seminole State College of Florida is adhering to the federal requirements for students to be awarded financial aid. To earn financial aid, all students must have:
Achieved at least a cumulative grade point average of 2.0
Completed more than 67 percent of their attempted courses
Not reached 150 percent of the credits required for their declared program of study and it is mathematically possible to earn their degree within 150 percent of the credits required for their declared program of study.
If you feel that you had extenuating circumstances beyond your control that caused you to be unable to successfully meet federal financial aid standards, then you may take the following assessment to see if you are eligible to submit an appeal to the Financial Aid Office.
1. Did you have extenuating circumstances that prevented your successful academic progress?
Yes No
Currently you are ineligible to appeal for the reinstatement of your federal financial aid. If you have further questions, please review the Standards of Progress policies on the Seminole State Website: www.seminolestate.edu/financial-aid/guidelines/sap/
Federal guidelines for the earning and disbursement of Financial Aid must be achieved in order for Seminole State College of Florida to disburse your aid. These standards are: 2.0 GPA, 67% completion ratio, and not earned over 150% of credit hours required for the degree. Financial aid is earned and kept through meeting these federally mandated standards.
2. Was your extenuating circumstance an illness of self?
Yes No
You must provide a letter from your attending physician stating:
date of occurrence and
that the illness is no longer expected to prevent satisfactory academic progress.
It is recommended that you log in from a desktop or laptop computer not a mobile device. If you are unable to access your account, contact the HelpDesk at 407.708.2000 or visit Student Services on any campus to speak to a specialist.
3. Was your extenuating circumstance a death in your immediate family? Immediate family is defined as a parent, spouse or child.
Yes No
You must provide a copy of the death certificate or obituary and proof of relationship.
It is recommended that you log in from a desktop or laptop computer not a mobile device. If you are unable to access your account, contact the HelpDesk at 407.708.2000 or visit Student Services on any campus to speak to a specialist.
It is recommended that you log in from a desktop or laptop computer not a mobile device. If you are unable to access your account, contact the HelpDesk at 407.708.2000 or visit Student Services on any campus to speak to a specialist.
5. Other documentable emergency circumstances that is considered a major life event and is non recurring.
Yes No
You must provide a verification of natural disaster, or other personal tragedy document, issued by a professional third party such as a police report or court document.
It is recommended that you log in from a desktop or laptop computer not a mobile device. If you are unable to access your account, contact the HelpDesk at 407.708.2000 or visit Student Services on any campus to speak to a specialist.
Currently you are ineligible to appeal for Federal Aid. If you have further questions, please review the Standards of Progress polices on the Seminole State Website. www.seminolestate.edu/financial-aid/guidelines/sap/