Advising Appointments for Margaret Scarbrough
To schedule an appointment, you must log into the Navigate platform with your Seminole State email address and password and follow the provided instructions. Click on the link below to access First Generation's appointment availability in Navigate.
If you have a quick question or want to request an updated educational pathway, you may email or message Margaret Scarbrough, Rachel Acosta or Jennifer Zelek in Canvas. Include your Student ID and intended pathway in the body of the message. Response time is typically 1-2 business days.
Need Help Logging In?
- Students that were just admitted to the college must wait 24 hours to access Navigate after the MySeminoleState account is created.
- Login in with your student email address ( and network password.
- If you do not know your password, visit to reset your password.
- If you have never logged into Navigate, visit to create your password.
- If you previously attended Seminole State and have been readmitted to the college, please visit to reset your password. If you cannot reset your password here, contact the Help Desk at or call 407.708.2000.