Faculty 911 Guide to Disruptive Behavior

Call Security at 407.708.2178 or dial 911 immediately if there is a threat of immediate danger!

Disruptive behaviors can be broadly defined as strategies that a student employs that result in the interference or interruption of the day-to-day functioning of a classroom.

LEVEL 1: Disruptive Behaviors/Classroom Management

Level 1 disruptive behaviors are best handled at the instructor level with support of colleagues, program managers, associate deans or the associate vice president in your academic area. Students displaying Level 1 behaviors typically are not referred to the student conduct officer.

  • Sleeping in class
  • Cell phone
  • Texting
  • Surfing the net
  • Plagiarism/Cheating
  • Side Conversations
  • Multiple exits from class
  • Outburst in class

LEVEL 2: Disruptive Behaviors/Referral to Student Conduct Officer

Level 2 disruptive behaviors are those behaviors that may require referral to the student conduct officer and/or to Security. They represent an escalation of Level 1 disruptive behaviors, as well as more serious violations of the Student Code of Conduct.

Reports of domestic or relational violence must be reported immediately to security.

Reports of sexual harassment or stalking must be reported to the AVP, Organizational Culture and Strategy/Title IX Coordinator.

Examples of Level 2 behaviors include: 

  • Escalation/repeat of level one disruptive behaviors
  • Verbal abuse
  • Computer abuse
  • Stalking
  • Harassment
  • Fraudulent documentation
  • Plagiarism/cheating

Instructor/Student Conduct Officer Response

Call security immediately if there is a threat of danger.

  • State only the facts.
  • Always be respectful.
  • Be concise.
  • Focus on responding rather than reacting.
  • Be willing to give space.
  • Ask for specific complaints to be put in writing.
  • Ask, "How do you want this discussion to end?"
  • Stay on equal footing with the student.
  • Respond only to specific unwanted behavior; avoid assumptions or diagnoses.
  • Don't take it personally.
  • Remain calm (or fake it).
  • Give the person time to "cool down."
  • Speak in low tones.
  • Be open to problem-solving.

LEVEL 3: Distressed Students/Referral to Conduct Officer and Counseling

Students with distressed behaviors cause us concern for their own well being or for the safety of others. They appear to be struggling academically, physically, socially and/or emotionally. These students may communicate their distress directly or indirectly through their writings and/or through nonverbal behaviors.

Distressed students should be referred to the Conduct Officer and Counseling, who will subsequently refer the student appropriately.

Counselor Contact Information

For non emergencies, during college hours of operation, you may visit any campus advising office to speak with a counselor or call, 407.708.2133 and leave a message if you are unable to come in person.

Sanford/Lake Mary and Heathrow Counselor

Altamonte Springs Counselor

Oviedo Counselor
  • Please contact the Sanford or Altamonte Counselor for assistance or call 407.708.2133 and leave a message if you are unable to come in person. 

Examples of Level 3 behaviors include:

  • Writes or jokes about killing self
  • Severe anxiety, stress or sadness
  • Disclosure of personal or family crisis
  • Irrational, erratic or paranoid thinking
  • Revelations of self-injurious tendencies
  • Diminished ability to cope, attend to daily tasks and/or take reasonable care of themselves


If you are a current student and would like to contact your assigned advisor, log in to your MySeminoleState account and click on the "Advising" tile. On the left navigation menu click "Assigned Advisor," and your advisor’s contact information will be displayed.

The Academic Advising and Counseling Team of Seminole State College of Florida serves as catalysts that promotes the holistic well-being of every student. Through developmental advising, our advisors ensure the individual goals of each student are attainable through individualized, tailored, and prescriptive methodologies that support the implementation of a comprehensive guided pathway framework.