The First Generation Program at Seminole State offers the following specialized programs to assist qualified first-generation, first-time-in-college students:
Wayne M. Densch Scholarship Program
Through a generous donation from Wayne M. Densch Charities Inc., this formal scholarship program is available to qualifying incoming first-time freshmen each Fall Term. It provides funding and comprehensive support services. Learn more »
Peer Mentor Program
This program gives second-year, first-generation students the opportunity to mentor and coach first-year, first-generation students. Priority consideration for this program is given to current and former students of the Wayne M. Densch Scholarship program. Learn more »
Assigned Advising
Each student is assigned an advisor who will work with students to establish, pursue and refine educational and career goals. Learn more »
Financial Aid and Scholarship Assistance
First Generation Advisors provide financial aid assistance and answer questions about eligibility and using your aid to pay for classes and purchase books. We also partner with the Foundation for Seminole State each semester to host workshops to help students to apply Foundation Scholarships and provide other opportunities for scholarships as they arise.