Criminal Justice Basic Abilities Test
The Criminal Justice Basic Abilities Test (CJ-BAT) is the mandatory entrance exam for Seminole State's Corrections and Law Enforcement Academy. The exam consists of 120 multiple-choice questions designed to measure students' visual, reasoning, memorization and language skills (corrections and law enforcement versions only).
Effective July 1, 2022, section 943.17(1)(g), Florida Statue states: "...a person is not required to take the basic skills examination and assessment instrument before entering a law enforcement officer basic recruit training program if he or she is a veteran as defined in s.101(14) with an honorable discharge or holds an associate degree or higher from an accredited college or university."
Students have 2.5 hours to complete the CJ-BAT and are given their results at the conclusion of testing.
The fee to take the CJ-BAT is approximately $39.
Please note:
- The computer-based CJ-BAT is offered in room A-176 or SC-239 on the Sanford/Lake Mary Campus. Candidates can register by calling 1-877-729-0059 or by going online Appointments must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. Any necessary accommodations are handled through Pearson VUE as well.
- Students must have a passing result in order to be admitted into either the Law Enforcement Academy or the Corrections Academy.
Contact Information
For more information, contact the Seminole State Testing Center:
- Sanford/Lake Mary Campus: 407.708.2393, Room A176
- Testing Hours for the CJ-BAT