Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) New Program Request Form

These request forms are to be utilized to request Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs that are not in the State Board of Education’s adopted statewide inventory of curriculum frameworks. The new forms aim to ensure for the demonstration of local workforce demand and the clear establishment of a curriculum framework.

Additional information can be found on the FLDOE CTE Program Resources webpage.

  1. Complete one of the forms above and provide all required information including a draft curriculum framework and supporting documentation (detailed directions follow).
  2. Submit electronic application package to CTEprogramrequest@fldoe.org during the following 2 postsecondary new program request windows:
  • November 1 – for requests intending to enroll new students in the fall term of the following academic year or any term thereafter.   These new program requests would be sent to the State Board of Education for approval in early spring.
  •  June 1 – for requests intending to enroll new students in the spring or summer term of the following academic year or any term thereafter.   These new program requests would be sent to the State Board of Education for approval in late summer or early fall.
