Social Media and Marketing Associate in Science

Like it, share it, post it, market it. Today, everyone is on social media, and businesses are using social media as the No. 1 way to market their brands. Become equipped to work in this growing sector of marketing with technical knowledge and skills to run social campaigns for a business.

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Getting Started: Summer Term

May 5:  Application

May 12:  Classes Begin

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  • Affordable tuition: Earn a state university education at about half the cost.
  • Small class sizes: With classes of 30 or less, you don’t have to learn in an auditorium.
  • Online degree option: Most courses for our A.S. degrees are offered in person and online, so you can study when and where you want. 
  • Seamless transitionMost A.S. graduates earn credits that can be applied to a bachelor's degree at Seminole State or at the University of Central Florida through DirectConnect® to UCF.*
  • Job Placement: According to state data, most Seminole State A.S. programs have placement rates above 90 percent.

*A.S. students who are planning to transfer to bachelor's degree programs should meet with a counselor, advisor or specialist to make sure the required courses are taken and the entry requirements are met.

Social Media and Marketing
Type: Associate in Science
Major Code: MARSOC-AS
CIP: 1252140101

Program Description

Available Course Course Not Offered Summer 2025
This is an introductory course in computer applications that focuses on the effective use of word processing, spreadsheet, database and presentation software programs. Students will gain a fundamental knowledge of Microsoft Office 365 and learn skills that have practical applications in real world business situations. This course utilizes lectures and hands-on computer exercises.
This course is designed to provide an overview of the business environment. The business disciplines discussed include management, international business, marketing, finance, economics, accounting and business law. This course provides useful information for business majors and any others involved in owning or operating businesses. This course is also recommended for students expecting to take ACG 2021 Principles of Financial Accounting.
This course emphasizes the study of the four fundamental functions of management: planning, leading, organizing and controlling and their application to business decision-making. Connections will be made between the planning process and the controlling function to evaluate organizational performance. The course also studies theoretical principles of management, communication concepts, human resource management, organizational structures as well as motivational theory. Principles will be applied to entrepreneurial, corporate and international organizations.
This is an introductory course in marketing, emphasizing the four elements of the Marketing Mix: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. The course focuses on the marketing concept, role of strategic planning and development of marketing strategies. In addition, the concepts of market segmentation, demographics and selection of a target market will be studied. Importance of market research, consumer and industrial buying habits and the differences between consumer and industrial goods are also explored. Concepts behind product development and product acceptance are reviewed in the context of pricing and promotional techniques throughout the product life cycle. Importance of branding is evaluated. The concept of an integrated marketing campaign is explored within the context of the promotional mix - advertising, direct selling, sales promotion and public relations. Online marketing is explored utilizing the Internet.
This course develops effective oral and written business communication skills to create successful human relations. Communication skills are taught in the four language areas: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Studies include grammar, proofreading, editing and business communication composition.
The purpose of this course is to provide students hands-on training using Excel for business, professional and personal use. The student will gain an in-depth understanding of a spreadsheet program. The student will create, edit and format spreadsheets and graphs, work with formulas and functions, sort, filter and subtotal data lists and create and edit macros.
This course will provide essential insight for successfully marketing an entrepreneurial venture using innovative marketing strategies. This course is designed to provide entrepreneurs with practical applications in interactive technologies and web-based services. Students will gain experience in the use of marketing via the Internet and social media. The student will be introduced to the role that direct selling and direct marketing play in the entrepreneurial environment. Students will develop a marketing project to assist in launching and implementing the new marketing venture.
This course is designed to explore the current technologies associated with Web 2.0 and social media. Topics to be covered include social networking etiquette, Real Simple Syndication (RSS), tagging, Consumer-Generated Content (CGC), blogs, wikis and podcasting. Student knowledge in the historical perspectives, prevailing definitions and industry-wide applications of Web 2.0 and social media tools will be extended. Lab fee required.
This course emphasizes researching current social media techniques and their application to the business marketing environment. Current social media advertising platforms will be examined and reviewed. Techniques and insights for extracting business value out of social media will be examined. Review of data analytics including ROI will be applied to social media tools.
This course emphasizes the development and implementation of a marketing strategy with emphasis on social media applications. Content will be developed for specific social media platforms. Topics covered will include development of an e-Marketing plan, market segmentation and targeting strategies, customer relationship management techniques, and the differentiation of owned and paid media.
This course introduces the student to the theory and practice of financial accounting. Topics include the accounting cycle, analysis of financial statement transactions, financial statement preparation, accounting for assets, liabilities, equities, revenues and expenses. Accounting for entities, including partnerships and corporations is introduced.
This course introduces the student to the use of accounting information by managers. Topics include the use of accounting information for planning and control, capital investment, performance evaluation, decision-making, cash flow statements and financial statement analysis.


This course provides instruction and practice in the fundamentals of accounting. Selected topics include accounting careers, basic accounting terminology and principles, steps in the accounting cycle, general journals, general ledgers, financial statements, worksheets, adjusting and closing entries, cash controls and payroll. This course may be used to provide a foundation for financial accounting. Activities are recorded manually and using appropriate software. Lab fee required.
In this course, students will learn to use Quickbooks, a computerized accounting software program. Selected topics include setting up a company, setting up and modifying a chart of accounts, tracking invoices and customer payments, entering and paying bills, tracking inventory, using banking features and preparing financial reports. Lab fee required.
This course focuses on the application of business law for the small business owner. Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to identify the various forms of business ownership and the legal and tax implications of each. Students will have an understanding of the laws covering issues such as personnel, contracts and the protection of intellectual property. The student will be able to understand and explain how to comply with the reporting requirements for local, state and federal entities.
This course is a study of law as it relates to the sources of law, courts and court procedures, torts, crimes and contracts.

Choose 6 credits from the following list:

This course involves an analysis of International Law and the World's Legal Systems as dynamic, social, and political institutions impacting legal considerations in corporate, government, domestic and foreign business environments. In this course, we will examine the differences in national laws and legal systems through an analysis and comparison of various foreign legal systems. We will also address various aspects of international business law, including but not limited to, resolving international commercial disputes, international sales and commercial transactions, access to foreign markets and regulation of import/export competition and unfair trading. This course is designed to acquaint the students with the general framework of the international legal system, the manager's role in it, and the specific institutions and practices that affect international business. The readings and assignments will assist the students in developing (1) a "comfort zone" with legal language and principles and (2) and ability to timely recognize legal implications in proposed business decisions. Case study will assist the student in developing a rubric for the recognition and proper consideration of the legal aspects of common international business transactions.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will have an enhanced knowledge of the impact that emerging technologies and social media platforms are having on the legal system, substantive areas of law, and the legal profession. Students will gain knowledge of how social media is affecting fundamental notions of jurisdiction, jurisprudence and substantive areas of law including family, criminal, tort, employment, securities, intellectual property, defamation, estate planning/probate, and constitutional law. In this course, the students will examine the various rules that businesses, schools, colleges, employers, states, and the federal government must be aware of when dealing with social media in corporate, government, and academic settings. Considering the novelty of the field of social media, the students will also entertain the most recent judicial opinions and Court decisions, as well.
This course provides business and non-business majors with the skills necessary to succeed as an entrepreneur. The fundamentals of starting and operating a business, developing a business plan, obtaining financing, marketing a product or service and developing an effective accounting system will be covered.
This course is a study of the current management principles, concepts, organizational trends, technology and human relations as related to the responsibilities of the administrative office manager. Simulations, case studies and projects are used to develop decision-making and supervisory skills necessary for office organization and administration.
This is an advanced course emphasizing the application of fundamental marketing principles to a global marketplace. The global marketplace consists of over two hundred countries and an even greater number of languages and cultures worldwide. The course focuses on the role of strategic planning and the development of marketing strategies for this international marketplace. Strategies for opening up new markets will be explored - pure exporting, use of local distributors, global manufacturing and wholly owned subsidiaries. Basic concepts of demographics, market segmentation and selection of target markets will be applied to this complex worldwide stage. The course will explore the differences in international consumer and industrial buying habits as well as the impact of language, culture and religion on local promotional campaigns. The complexity of product development, product naming and pricing will be explored on a country-by-country basis. This course will also explore the complexities of developing worldwide distribution systems as they are affected by differing local laws, taxation and regulations.
This course is a study and analysis of the role of sales in today's economy. Emphasis is on sales techniques and applications of sales principles. Sales management and operation are also studied in the course.
The purpose of this course is to improve the basic skills of speaking and listening. Class exercises emphasize preparing and delivering public speeches, speaking with clarity and variety and listening with literal and critical comprehension. The course addresses communication in the personal, career and global spheres.
This course is designed to provide an overview of the business environment. The business disciplines discussed include management, international business, marketing, finance, economics, accounting and business law. This course provides useful information for business majors and any others involved in owning or operating businesses. This course is also recommended for students expecting to take ACG 2021 Principles of Financial Accounting.
This course provides business and non-business majors with the skills necessary to succeed as an entrepreneur. The fundamentals of starting and operating a business, developing a business plan, obtaining financing, marketing a product or service and developing an effective accounting system will be covered.
This course explores the dynamic environment of international business, a multi-disciplinary subject that draws from international economics (balance of trade, balance of payments), politics, institutions, culture and technology as well as insight into the mechanics of international trade and investment, the international financial system and business management in the global marketplace.
In this course topics of current interest are presented in group instruction.
In this course topics of current interest are presented in group instruction.
This is a travel/study course combining preparation on campus, travel and study in the discipline of business. Content is variable depending on the program in which the student enrolls and the specific topics to be covered. Students must be 18 years of age on or before departure. Permission of the instructor is required.
This course emphasizes researching current social media techniques and their application to the business marketing environment. Current social media advertising platforms will be examined and reviewed. Techniques and insights for extracting business value out of social media will be examined. Review of data analytics including ROI will be applied to social media tools.
This is an introductory course in marketing, emphasizing the four elements of the Marketing Mix: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. The course focuses on the marketing concept, role of strategic planning and development of marketing strategies. In addition, the concepts of market segmentation, demographics and selection of a target market will be studied. Importance of market research, consumer and industrial buying habits and the differences between consumer and industrial goods are also explored. Concepts behind product development and product acceptance are reviewed in the context of pricing and promotional techniques throughout the product life cycle. Importance of branding is evaluated. The concept of an integrated marketing campaign is explored within the context of the promotional mix - advertising, direct selling, sales promotion and public relations. Online marketing is explored utilizing the Internet.
This is an advanced course emphasizing the application of fundamental marketing principles to a global marketplace. The global marketplace consists of over two hundred countries and an even greater number of languages and cultures worldwide. The course focuses on the role of strategic planning and the development of marketing strategies for this international marketplace. Strategies for opening up new markets will be explored - pure exporting, use of local distributors, global manufacturing and wholly owned subsidiaries. Basic concepts of demographics, market segmentation and selection of target markets will be applied to this complex worldwide stage. The course will explore the differences in international consumer and industrial buying habits as well as the impact of language, culture and religion on local promotional campaigns. The complexity of product development, product naming and pricing will be explored on a country-by-country basis. This course will also explore the complexities of developing worldwide distribution systems as they are affected by differing local laws, taxation and regulations.
This course emphasizes the development and implementation of a marketing strategy with emphasis on social media applications. Content will be developed for specific social media platforms. Topics covered will include development of an e-Marketing plan, market segmentation and targeting strategies, customer relationship management techniques, and the differentiation of owned and paid media.
This course will provide essential insight for successfully marketing an entrepreneurial venture using innovative marketing strategies. This course is designed to provide entrepreneurs with practical applications in interactive technologies and web-based services. Students will gain experience in the use of marketing via the Internet and social media. The student will be introduced to the role that direct selling and direct marketing play in the entrepreneurial environment. Students will develop a marketing project to assist in launching and implementing the new marketing venture.
English I Gen Ed Core
This course introduces students to rhetorical concepts and audience-centered approaches to writing including composing processes, language conventions and style, and critical analysis and engagement with written texts and other forms of communication. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Communication requirement for degree seeking students.
Art Appreciation Gen Ed Core
In this course, students will develop an appreciation of and the ability to think critically about culture and be provided with the tools to understand, analyze, and discuss works of visual art and material culture. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Humanities requirement for degree seeking students.
In this course, students will learn about the creative ideas and accomplishments of various cultures in various fields of humanities that may include art, architecture, drama, history, music, literature, philosophy, and religion. The course will include cultural expressions from the western canon and may also include expressions from around the globe. This course partially satisfies the writing requirements of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This class satisfies the General Education State Core Humanities for degree seeking students.
In this course, students will learn about the creative ideas and accomplishments of various cultures in various fields of humanities that may include art, architecture, drama, history, music, literature, philosophy, and religion. The course will include cultural expressions from the western canon and may also include expressions from around the globe. Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required. This course partially satisfies the writing requirements of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This class satisfies the General Education State Core Humanities for degree seeking students.
In this course, students will be assigned readings representative of a broad range of literary genres and cultures. These readings will cover a variety of literary movements and historical eras. The readings will include selections from the Western Canon. Written analysis of literary works may be required. Students will be provided with opportunities to practice critical interpretation. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Humanities requirement for degree seeking students.
This course is designed to introduce students to the concepts and applications of analytical and theoretical approaches to literature. Students will employ critical thinking in their interrogation of the texts. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Humanities requirement for degree-seeking students.
In this course, students will survey the history of classical music from antiquity to the modern period, focusing on western music. The curriculum may also integrate a variety of popular and global styles where appropriate. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Humanities requirement for degree seeking students.
In this course, students will survey the history of classical music from antiquity to the modern period, focusing on western music. The curriculum may also integrate a variety of popular and global styles where appropriate. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Humanities requirement for degree-seeking students. Honors level content. Permission from Honors Director required.
In this course, students will be introduced to the nature of philosophy, philosophical thinking, major intellectual movements in the history of philosophy, including topics from the western philosophical tradition, and various problems in philosophy. Students will strengthen their intellectual skills, become more effective learners, and develop broad foundational knowledge. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Humanities requirement.
In this course, students will be introduced to the nature of philosophy, philosophical thinking, major intellectual movements in the history of philosophy, including topics from the western philosophical tradition, and various problems in philosophy. Students will strengthen their intellectual skills, become more effective learners, and develop broad foundational knowledge. Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required.
In this course, students will explore dramatic structure, techniques, and various organizational elements. The course provides an introduction to theatre as a collaborative art form through the critical analysis of its historical context, production, theory, and connections to theatrical literature, including the western canon. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B. E. 6A-10.030. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Humanities requirement for degree seeking students.
In this course, students will explore dramatic structure, techniques, and various organizational elements. The course provides an introduction to theatre as a collaborative art form through the critical analysis of its historical context, production, theory, and connections to theatrical literature, including the western canon. Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B. E. 6A-10.030. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Humanities requirement for degree seeking students.
This course provides a comprehensive look at modern astronomy, emphasizing the use of the scientific method and the application of physical laws to understand the universe including earth and its environment. Throughout this course, students will develop the ability to discern scientific knowledge from non-scientific information by using critical thinking. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This course provides a comprehensive look at modern astronomy, emphasizing the use of the scientific method and the application of physical laws to understand the universe including earth and its environment. Throughout this course, students will develop the ability to discern scientific knowledge from non-scientific information by using critical thinking. Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This course applies the scientific method to critically examine and explain the natural world including but not limited to cells, organisms, genetics, evolution, ecology, and behavior. It is a study of the characteristics of living organisms. Unifying concepts such as metabolism, genetics, evolution, and cellular organization will be investigated. Designed for non-science majors, this course does not fulfill the credit requirements for biology majors (see BSC 2010C). This class satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This course applies the scientific method to critically examine and explain the natural world including but not limited to cells, organisms, genetics, evolution, ecology, and behavior. It is a study of the characteristics of living organisms. Unifying concepts such as metabolism, genetics, evolution, and cellular organization will be investigated. Designed for non-science majors, this course does not fulfill the credit requirements for biology majors (see BSC 2010C). Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required. This class satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This course applies the scientific method to critically examine and explain the natural world including but not limited to cells, organisms, genetics, evolution, ecology, and behavior. It is a study of the characteristics of living organisms. Unifying concepts such as metabolism, genetics, evolution, and cellular organization will be investigated. Laboratory exercises will emphasize basic principles of biology. Designed for non-science majors, this course does not fulfill the credit requirements for biology majors (see BSC 2010C). Lab fee required. This class satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
Anatomy and Physiology I - Transfer

BSC 1085 is not offered at Seminole State College of Florida

In this course students will apply the scientific method to critically examine and explain the natural world. This course will cover molecular biology, cellular biology, genetics, metabolism, and replication. This course is primarily for science majors or students with a strong biology background. It is a study of the molecular and cellular composition and function of living organisms. Emphasis will be given to structure, chemical metabolism, and genetic mechanisms. Laboratory illustrates basic biological principles. Lab fee required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This course provides students with an introduction to chemical principles and applications for the non-science major. Students will engage in problem solving and critical thinking while applying chemical concepts. Topics will include the scientific method of problem solving, classification of matter, atomic theory, the periodic table, gases, chemical reactions, energy, and chemical bonds. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This course provides students with an introduction to chemical principles and applications for the non-science major. Students will engage in problem solving and critical thinking while applying chemical concepts. Topics will include the scientific method of problem solving, classification of matter, atomic theory, the periodic table, gases, chemical reactions, energy, and chemical bonds. Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This course provides students with an introduction to chemical principles and applications for the non-science major. Students will engage in problem solving and critical thinking while applying chemical concepts. Topics will include the scientific method of problem solving, classification of matter, atomic theory, the periodic table, gases, chemical reactions, energy, and chemical bonds. Laboratory experiments are chosen that support these topics. Lab fee required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This course is designed for students pursuing careers in the sciences or who need a more rigorous presentation of chemical concepts than is offered in an introductory course. Students will engage in problem solving and critical thinking while applying chemical concepts. Topics will include the principles of chemistry including atomic theory, electronic and molecular structure, measurement, stoichiometry, bonding, periodicity, thermochemistry, nomenclature, solutions, and the properties of gases. Laboratory experiments are chosen that support these topics. Lab fee required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This course is designed for students pursuing careers in the sciences or who need a more rigorous presentation of chemical concepts than is offered in an introductory course. Students will engage in problem solving and critical thinking while applying chemical concepts. Topics will include the principles of chemistry including atomic theory, electronic and molecular structure, measurement, stoichiometry, bonding, periodicity, thermochemistry, nomenclature, solutions, and the properties of gases. Laboratory experiments are chosen that support these topics. Lab fee required. Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
Using the scientific method, critical thinking skills, data analysis, this course will examine the fundamental processes of the earth system, composed of an atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and exosphere, through time. The course will also explore interactions between these spheres, including critical analysis of scientific theories and emphasize Earth’s connections with humans. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This course is a survey of basic chemical, biological, and physical principles of environmental science and their applications to environmental issues. This course is appropriate for students in a wide range of disciplines or programs. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This course is a survey of basic chemical, biological, and physical principles of environmental science and their applications to environmental issues. This course is appropriate for students in a wide range of disciplines or programs. Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This course is a survey of basic chemical, biological, and physical principles of environmental science and their applications to environmental issues. This course is appropriate for students in a wide range of disciplines or programs. Lab fee required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
Using the scientific method, critical thinking skills, data analysis, this course will examine the fundamental processes of the earth system, composed of an atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and exosphere through time. The course will also explore interactions between these spheres, including critical analysis of scientific theories and emphasize lithosphere connections with humanity. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Sciences requirement for degree seeking students.
Using the scientific method, critical thinking skills, data analysis, this course will examine the fundamental processes of the earth system, composed of an atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and exosphere through time. The course will also explore interactions between these spheres, including critical analysis of scientific theories and emphasize lithosphere connections with humanity. Field trips may be required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Sciences requirement for degree seeking students. Lab fee required.
Using the scientific method, critical thinking skills, and data analysis, this course will examine the fundamental processes of the ocean system, composed of an atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere, through time. The course will also explore interactions between these spheres, including critical analysis of scientific theories and emphasize oceanic connections with humanity. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
Using the scientific method, critical thinking skills, and data analysis, this course will examine the fundamental processes of the ocean system, composed of an atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere, through time. The course will also explore interactions between these spheres, including critical analysis of scientific theories and emphasize oceanic connections with humanity. Laboratory experiments are chosen that support these topics. Lab fee required. Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This course offers a comprehensive survey of physics, covering a wide range of topics including motion, newton's laws, energy, sound, heat, electricity, magnetism, and optics. emphasizing a conceptual understanding of physics, the course integrates critical thinking skills and real-world applications. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This course is the first in a two-part series intended for non-physics majors, offering an algebra and trigonometry approach to topics such as kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotational motion, fluid dynamics, oscillatory motion, and waves. The course fosters analytical and critical thinking skills to promote a scientific understanding of the real world. Lab fee required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This calculus-based course serves as the first in a two-part series, covering topics like kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotational motion, fluid dynamics, oscillatory motion, and waves. Designed for science and engineering majors, the course integrates critical thinking, analytical skills, and real-world applications. Lab fee required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
This honors calculus-based course serves as the first in a two-part series, covering topics like kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotational motion, fluid dynamics, oscillatory motion, and waves. Designed for science and engineering majors, the course integrates critical thinking, analytical skills, and real-world applications. Lab fee required. Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Natural Science requirement for degree seeking students.
College Algebra Gen Ed Core
In this course, students will develop problem solving skills, critical thinking, computational proficiency, and contextual fluency through the study of equations, functions, and their graphs. Emphasis will be placed on quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Topics will include solving equations and inequalities, definition and properties of a function, domain and range, transformations of graphs, operations on functions, composite and inverse functions, basic polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and applications. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Mathematics requirement for degree seeking students and is the core course for majors in the Algebra Through Calculus pathway.
In this course, students will develop problem solving skills, critical thinking, computational proficiency, and contextual fluency through the study of limits, derivatives, and definite and indefinite integrals of functions in one variable, including algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, and applications. Topics will include limits, continuity, differentiation and rates of change, optimization, curve sketching, and introduction to integration and area. A graphing calculator will be used throughout the course. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Mathematics requirement for degree seeking students.
In this course, students will develop problem solving skills, critical thinking, computational proficiency, and contextual fluency through the study of limits, derivatives, and definite and indefinite integrals of functions in one variable, including algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, and applications. Topics will include limits, continuity, differentiation and rates of change, optimization, curve sketching, and introduction to integration and area. A graphing calculator will be used throughout the course. Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Mathematics requirement for degree seeking students.
In this course, students will utilize multiple means of problem solving through student-centered mathematical exploration. The course is designed to teach students to think more effectively and increase their problem-solving ability through practical application and divergent thinking. This course is appropriate for students in a wide range of disciplines/programs. Major topics include the following: Problem Solving, including inductive and deductive reasoning, patterns, and analyzing graphs; Sets, including Venn diagrams; Logic; Geometry of both two- and three-dimensional figures; Historic Numeration; and Number Sense. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Mathematics requirements for degree seeking students and is the gateway course for majors in the Mathematical Thinking in Context pathway. It is recommended that students without college-level math credits have completed a secondary-level course in Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus, Calculus, or Math for College Liberal Arts with a grade of ‘B’ or higher before taking this course.
In this course, students will utilize descriptive and inferential statistical methods in contextual situations, using technology as appropriate. The course is designed to increase problem-solving abilities and data interpretation through practical applications of statistical concepts. This course is appropriate for students in a wide range of disciplines and programs. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability and probability distributions, estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, two-sample inferences, and correlation and regression. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Mathematics requirement for degree seeking students and is the gateway course for majors in the Statistical Reasoning pathway. It is recommended that students without college-level math credits have completed a secondary-level course in Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus, Calculus, or Statistics with a grade of a “B” or higher before taking this course.
In this course, students will utilize descriptive and inferential statistical methods in contextual situations, using technology as appropriate. The course is designed to increase problem-solving abilities and data interpretation through practical applications of statistical concepts. This course is appropriate for students in a wide range of disciplines and programs. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability and probability distributions, estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, two-sample inferences, and correlation and regression. Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Mathematics requirement for degree seeking students and is the gateway course for majors in the Statistical Reasoning pathway. It is recommended that students without college-level math credits have completed a secondary-level course in Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalculus, Calculus, or Statistics with a grade of a “B” or higher before taking this course.

* POS 2041 or POS 2041H partially satisfies the Civic Literacy requirement. Students entering the Florida College System for the first time in Fall 2022 or later can satisfy the Civic Literacy requirement by passing a course and an assessment.   Refer to the online catalog for assessment options.

In this course, students will learn the foundations of Anthropology as the study of human variation in its biological, social, and cultural dimensions. Students will learn about anthropological concepts, principles, and methodologies to understand and explore past and present human behavior. They will apply the anthropological approach to analyze issues pertaining to past and contemporary cultures, and develop intellectual skills and habits to understand behavioral, social, and cultural issues from multiple disciplinary perspectives. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Social Science/History requirement for degree seeking students.
In this course, students will learn the foundations of macroeconomics as the branch of economics concerned with how decision-making, in an environment of scarcity, maps onto the aggregate economy. Students will examine theories and evidence related to the following core set of topics: national income determination, money, monetary and fiscal policy, macroeconomic conditions, international trade and the balance of payments, and economic growth and development. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This class satisfies the General Education State Core Social Science/History requirement for degree seeking students.
In this course, students will learn the foundations of macroeconomics as the branch of economics concerned with how decision-making, in an environment of scarcity, maps onto the aggregate economy. Students will examine theories and evidence related to the following core set of topics: national income determination, money, monetary and fiscal policy, macroeconomic conditions, international trade and the balance of payments, and economic growth and development. Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This class satisfies the General Education State Core Social Science/History requirement for degree seeking students.
U.S. Federal Government Gen Ed Core Civic Lit
In this course, students will investigate how the national government is structured and how the American constitutional republic operates. It covers the philosophical and historical foundations of the American government, including but not limited to the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution and all its amendments, and the Federalist Papers. The course examines the branches of government and the governments laws, policies, and programs. It also examines the ways in which citizens participate in their government and ways their government responds to citizens. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This class satisfies the General Education State Core Social Science/History requirement for degree seeking students and partially satisfies the Florida state civic literacy requirement per Florida Statues Section 1007.25 for all students.
Honors U.S. Federal Government Gen Ed Core Civic Lit
In this course, students will investigate how the national government is structured and how the American constitutional republic operates. It covers the philosophical and historical foundations of the American government, including but not limited to the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution and all its amendments, and the Federalist Papers. The course examines the branches of government and the government’s laws, policies, and programs. It also examines the ways in which citizens participate in their government and ways their government responds to citizens. Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This class satisfies the General Education State Core Social Science/History requirement for degree seeking students and partially satisfies the Florida state civic literacy requirement per Florida Statues Section 1007.25 for all students.
In this course, students will gain an introduction to the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. topics may be drawn from historical and current perspectives in psychology. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. Some sections of PSY 2012 have service-learning components. Please refer to class notes in schedule of classes for details. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Social Science/History requirement for degree seeking students.
In this course, students will gain an introduction to the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. topics may be drawn from historical and current perspectives in psychology. Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. Some sections of PSY 2012 have service-learning components. Please refer to class notes in schedule of classes for details. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Social Science/History requirement for degree seeking students.
Total Credits: 60

Gen Ed Core   Denotes that a class is a State of Florida General Education Core Course.

Beginning in the 2022-23 academic year and thereafter, students entering associate in arts, associate in science or associate in applied science, or baccalaureate degree programs must complete at least one (1) course from each of the general education subject areas listed in this section prior to the awarding of their degree. Please refer to this catalog's Graduation Requirements section for specific requirements on the General Education Core Courses .

Civic Lit   Denotes that a class counts toward the course Civic Literacy Requirement.

The State of Florida requires that all students graduating from Seminole State College of Florida and other institutions in the Florida College System (FCS), as well as from any State University System (SUS) institution, fulfill a Civic Literacy Competency requirement prior to submitting an Intent to Graduate form in the term they plan to graduate. Requirements vary based on admit term and program. Please refer to this catalog’s Graduation Requirements section for specific requirements on the Civic Literacy Proficiency Requirement.

Your tuition shouldn’t go against your intuition.

Your pursuit of higher education is admirable. So why struggle with high tuition in the process? Here we make life’s next steps affordable. Whether you’re seeking a university transfer (A.A.) degree, a four-year bachelor’s, an Associate in Science degree or even earning a college credit certificate, you’ll find reasonable tuition and great value. And to us, that’s scholarly.

In fact, a full-time college education at Seminole State is more than $10,000 less each year than most state universities.

Go For Less.

Tuition and Fee Comparison*

 Seminole StateUFFSUUCF
Tuition and Fees$3,131$6,380$5,666 $5,954 
Room and Board-0-$12,120
$13,474 $12,542 
Books and Supplies$1,000$1,260$1,200$1,200

For more information on Seminole State's tuition and fees, please see the current fee schedule.

* Tuition costs are based on the current academic year for in-state students living on campus. Dorm fees, meal plans and book expenses are estimates based on cost of attendance information provided by the State University System of Florida. Lab fees and other fees that may be assessed at the time of registration may be viewed in the College fee schedule. As Seminole State is a commuter college with no residence halls on its campuses, costs for room and board are not calculated.

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