
MAR2141 Global Marketing

This is an advanced course emphasizing the application of fundamental marketing principles to a global marketplace. The global marketplace consists of over two hundred countries and an even greater number of languages and cultures worldwide. The course focuses on the role of strategic planning and the development of marketing strategies for this international marketplace. Strategies for opening up new markets will be explored - pure exporting, use of local distributors, global manufacturing and wholly owned subsidiaries. Basic concepts of demographics, market segmentation and selection of target markets will be applied to this complex worldwide stage. The course will explore the differences in international consumer and industrial buying habits as well as the impact of language, culture and religion on local promotional campaigns. The complexity of product development, product naming and pricing will be explored on a country-by-country basis. This course will also explore the complexities of developing worldwide distribution systems as they are affected by differing local laws, taxation and regulations.

Terms Typically Offered:Spring

May 12 to Aug 6
Online - 1 class available
Online  - 1 class available
Learn fully online on your own schedule. You do not need to log in to class at a specific time, but you do need to submit assignments and complete exams as required by your instructor.
41520------05/12 - 08/06---MoradianMore Info
MAR2141 Global Marketing (41520) Summer 2025

Required Textbook

International... Conn.(seminole)

No Cover art available
 19TH 24
 $133.75 New
Room: OnlineProfessor: Moradian

Online class. Computer & Internet access required. Log in to Canvas as soon as the term begins to access your course Students who do not log into their course by the end of add/drop may be withdrawn from the class. Simply logging in to an online class does not count as attendance. Students must engage in an academically related activity and provide weekly activity reports.

Altamonte Springs  - no classes available
Heathrow  - no classes available
Lee Campus at Oviedo  - no classes available
Sanford/Lake Mary  - no classes available

Textbook information will be available online for each term's courses 45 days prior to the first day of classes for the term.

The courses in this catalog are identified by prefixes and numbers that were assigned by Florida's Statewide Course Numbering System, a system used by all public postsecondary institutions in Florida and 32 non-public institutions. Seminole State controls the description, credit and content of its own courses.