Getting Started with Online Classes
Enrolling in Online Classes
To enroll in online classes at Seminole State, please visit our Steps to Enroll page, choose your admit type, and follow the steps. Once you reach the Register for Classes step, choose an online section of your selected course(s) during the enrollment process.
All students will create a MySeminoleState account as part of their Steps to Enroll. MySeminoleState is the online portal for students to register for classes and access their grades, financial aid information, student email, personal information, and more. You can also access select portions of your student information on the go with My.SeminoleState Mobile. For more information, visit the MySeminoleState help page.
When you register for an online course, you will use Canvas, the online learning management system, to access your course information. Visit the Canvas information page to learn more about logging in to the system and how to use its features.
Once you've started, be sure to visit the student resources page to learn about services available to online students.