Virtual walk-in advising available

Monday, January 4, 2021
Written by: Seminole State Staff

For new or returning students, Seminole State College of Florida offers virtual advising to guide you on your academic journey. If you need help with registration, class selection, academic standing, financial aid, and much more from our experienced advising staff. No sign up required.

Virtual Walk-In Advising Sessions
Wednesday 2 p.m. -4:30 p.m.

All students will be seen on a walk-in basis through virtual walk-in advising. No appointment is needed to connect with an advisor and get your questions answered while staying safe and social distancing.

For more information, visit the virtual registration and resources page or learn more about how our advisors can assist you by visiting the Seminole State Academic Advising and Counseling page.

About Seminole State College

Seminole State College of Florida, established in 1965, serves nearly 30,000 students across six sites in Central Florida. A comprehensive college, Seminole State has awarded more than 100,000 credentials, from bachelor's degrees to high school diplomas, and offers more than 200 degrees, certificates and programs designed for success. For more about the college, visit
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