Student Accident Program
Summary of Coverage
This is a fully insured program underwritten by QBE. This policy provides coverage for registered students in the named education/training courses on file with QBE while the student is:
- Participating in college courses, labs or clinical training:
- Sponsored by the college; and
- On the premises designated and supervised by the college; or
- On the premises used for classes, labs or clinical training by the college; or
- Traveling with a group in connection with the activities under the direct supervision of the college.
- Once the course of program of study ends, coverage ends. The policy does not provide for any returning students who wish to take agility tests, re-certifications, etc., unless they are enrolled in a class.
- Student must incur first medical expense within 26 weeks after the accident for coverage to apply for Accident Medical Benefit.
- Accidental Death Benefit and Accidental Dismemberment Benefit-loss of life or limb (per policy) must occur within 365 date after the date of accident.
- The college has no deductible.
Policy Limits
Seminole State College has no deductible.
The policy provides the following limits:
- Accident Medical Expense Maximum: $25,000
- Accidental Death Principal Sum: $25,000
- Dental Maximum: $25,000
- Accidental Dismemberment Principal Sum: $25,000
- Benefit period: 104 Weeks
Please note: This policy provides excess coverage. Any other coverage available to a student would be primary.
Reporting Claims
ALL INCIDENTS, whether seeking medical attention or not need to be reported.
- File an accident/incident report by calling the Office of Safety and Security at 407.708.2178.
- The injured student and instructor (signature) must submit a completed A-G Administrators Claim Form within 30 days of injury to comply with policy provisions.
- The completed AG form and incident report are sent to Risk Management.
- Risk Management submits the AG form to the consortium who submits to AG.
- The insurance adjuster emails student confirmation of receipt of claim and directly corresponds with the student regarding the claim.
The student is responsible for submitting all related medical bills that he or she incurs as a result of the injury, as well as any other supporting documentation directly to the insurance adjuster.
Example of Claim
Student suffers a laceration requiring medical attention while participating in a clinical experience as part of his or her education or training coursework.