Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment and Evaluation: Students

Course Grade

To reinforce the program’s goal for developing reflective instructional design educators who are practiced in analysis and design, all three required courses, EME2040, EME2450, and EME2670, weigh project assignments for at least 60% of the overall course grade while peer-to-peer discussion interactions make up 20%. This choice also supports the certificate’s emphasis on constructivist and socio-constructivist learning theories.  Additionally, the instructors for these courses provide individualized feedback for each student, through both grading rubrics and written comments. Please refer to the Alignment of AECT Standards, Program Objectives, Assignments, and Assessment Criteria for more specific details.

Assessment and Evaluation: Courses

Student Course Perception of Instruction Forms

For each course in the program, all instructors will have Student Perception of Instruction forms (SCC form number 102.2) completed by students in each course section, in accordance with published guidelines. These forms will be tabulated by the Data Processing Office. The instructor and the department chair or director will receive a summary report for each section and a composite report for each instructor during the second week of the next term. Written student comments will be forwarded to the department chair or director at the same time. Following review by the department chair or director, all student comment sheets will be forwarded in a sealed envelope or private email to the instructor.

Assessment and Evaluation: Program

Instructional Design Program Graduate Survey 

After students complete the program requirements, Seminole State College asks program graduates to complete a survey evaluating the impact of the program on their skills and professional opportunities.  The program director, in consultation with program instructors, reviews this feedback and uses it to make further improvements to the program.  For example, post-graduate feedback has initiated a collaboration with our college Career Center to develop Instructional Design-specific career resources to support program graduates in pursuing broader employment opportunities.

Annual Institutional Program Review

In addition to the Program Graduate Survey, Seminole State College completes a thorough program review annually, which can be read about in the Institutional Review portion of this application.


Ashley M. Navarro, Ph.D.
Professor, Education

Regina Fontana, Ed.D.
Educational Preparation Institute (EPI) Director