for Summer 2025
This module prepares participants to set up a classroom, establish policies and procedures, create lesson plans integrated with Sunshine State Standards, develop and administer various forms of assessment, establish and maintain best practices in parental and professional relationships and hone the craft of effective instruction. It will also focus on the ethical and legal obligations of the teaching profession. Participants will also build a developmental assessment and professional portfolio demonstrating mastery of competencies.
This module prepares participants to set up a classroom, establish policies and procedures, create lesson plans integrated with the Sunshine State Standards, develop and administer various forms of assessment, establish and maintain best practices in parental and professional relationships and develop assessment and professional portfolios demonstrating mastery of competencies.
This module introduces teachers to the technologies available for classroom instruction and activities. Technologies covered include production, multimedia, communication and reference materials. The module will also address the legal and ethical issues associated with these technologies. This module is also a continuation of the course description in Modules 1A and 1B. Lab fee required.
This module is designed to help teachers understand the teaching-learning process. This module is a continuation of the course description in Modules 1A, 1B and 1C.
This course provides educators with the necessary skills to determine appropriate instructional methods and strategies for teaching English language learners. Educators will use their knowledge of current first and second languages acquisition to plan and deliver appropriate, effective instruction.
This course prepares participants to appropriately evaluate instructional outcomes while recognizing the effects of the English language learner's language proficiency and culture. Educators will be able to select and use formal/informal methods of assessment for the English language learner in order to make informed decisions about instruction.
This course provides educators with the skills needed to acquire a deeper understanding of the structure of English from a modern day linguistic perspective. The course enables the educator to analyze the structure of English to contrast with the language(s) of the target population in a given class. Participants learn how to adapt classroom instructional practices to meet the linguistic needs of their English language learners. Analysis of the phonological, morphophonological, and syntactic features of English as a basis for linguistic application to problems of English language acquisition by non-native speakers.
This course teaches language structure, function and phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. The instruction is grounded in scientifically-based research. This course satisfies the requirements for Competency 1 of the State of Florida Reading Endorsement.
This module provides substantive knowledge of language structure and function and cognition of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. It provides knowledge of the integration of the reading components. Instruction in this module is grounded in scientifically-based reading research as a mechanism to inform instructional practice.
This course teaches the role of assessments in guiding reading instruction and instructional decision-making for reading progress of struggling readers.
This course provides a study of the varying strategies that are successful with students from differing instructional profiles, including students with disabilities and students from diverse populations. This professional development course meets the requirements for Competency 4, Foundations in Differentiation, of the Reading Endorsement Add-On Certification Program. This course must be taken simultaneously with Application of Differentiated Instruction (EPI 0013).
This course provides a study of the application of strategies for students from differing instructional profiles, including students with disabilities and students from diverse populations. This professional development course meets the requirements for Competency 5, Application of Differentiated Instruction, of the Reading Endorsement Add-on Certification Program. This course must be taken simultaneously with Foundations of Differentiation (EPI 0012).
This course applies skills and information regarding reading development to reading instruction. The course discusses strategies and assessments that provide evidence for increased student reading proficiency in struggling students, including students with disabilities and students from diverse populations. This professional development course meets the requirements for Competency 6, Demonstration of Accomplishment, of the Reading Endorsement Add-on Certification Program.
This module provides the foundation for becoming a productive member of the teaching profession. The participant will gain an understanding of the organization and administration of the public school, the laws governing teachers, the code of ethics and the purpose of schools. This module develops a professional perspective and creates a sense of grounding in the profession of teaching.
This course enables educators to select appropriate instructional materials to support the unique needs of English language learners. Educators will be able to determine which materials are effective for the English language learner based on his or her communicative skills.
This module provides the participant with an understanding of the variety of backgrounds and cultures that may be found in a typical classroom. Field experiences give a broader view of the social aspects of diversity and cause the participant to reevaluate personal beliefs and prejudices that may adversely affect the learning process. This module also introduces the participants to the issues, challenges and the opportunities of teaching students who reflect the diversity of the American population in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, culture, sexual orientation and gender. Topics emphasized include foundations of prejudice, elements of culture and the value of diversity.
This course is designed to increase awareness and sensitivity to diverse cultures by highlighting similarities and differences as they relate to language and communication. Participants will learn how to adapt classroom instructional practices to meet the needs of students with varying cultural backgrounds.
In this course, topics of current interest are presented in group instruction.
In this course, topics of current interest are presented in group instruction.
This course provides the participant with methods of instruction, integrating theoretical knowledge with classroom experience, demonstrating effective teaching practices, reflective decision-making and competency in Educator Accomplished Practices.