Waivers of Fees for Full-time Employees Enrolling in Courses (Procedure 2.0280)


The following conditions shall apply to full-time employees who wish to enroll in Seminole State College courses.


A full-time employee must have been employed full-time for at least six (6) months by the College and meet the admission requirements set by the Board. 

Full-time employees of the College may register for course(s) without payment of matriculation, late registration scholarship fees and student activity fees as follows:

Term I - One course
Term II - One course
Term III - One course in Term III-A and one course in Term III-B

Ten-month employees may receive waivers for course fees, scholarship and student activity fees for one course per term while employed or two courses during their off-terms, provided they have been reappointed for the following school year.

Course enrollment shall be at a maximum of six (6) credit or equivalent hours per term.  Term III-A and III-B are considered to be equivalent to one term.

Requests for waivers must be made in advance and forwarded through channels to the appropriate Vice President.

Enrollment in courses by full-time employees shall not conflict with duty hours or interfere with performance of duties.

Rulemaking Authority and Law(s) Implemented: Florida Statues §§1001.64, 1001.65, 1009.26, FAC 6A- 14.054, Policy 1.020

History – Adopted 7/1982 Revised 7/1992

Dr Lorenz signature for Procedure 2.0280 signed January 10, 2025
