Leadership Academy - A Legacy of Leadership, Est. 2006

The Seminole State Leadership Academy is open to all interested full-time Seminole State faculty and staff members. If you have ever wanted to improve your leadership skills, consider taking advantage of this free opportunity.

What Are the Benefits of Participating in the Program?

Participants have opportunities to:

  • Foster their personal and professional growth
  • Better understand their personal characteristics to help them
    learn to "Lead From Where They Are"
  • Become aware of the various components of the College and competencies for community college leaders

Who is Eligible to Participate in the Program?

The Leadership Academy is open to every full-time Seminole State employee employed at the College in a full-time capacity prior to Sept. 19, 2025.

Each session will consist of up to 30 participants — diverse in nature — with proportional representation from the entire College:

  • 4-5 will be from Student Success Services.
  • 2-3 will be from Information Technology and Resources.
  • 5-6 will be from Administrative Services.
  • 8-9 will be from Educational Programs.
  • 1-2 will be from areas reporting directly to Dr. Lorenz.

What is the Time Commitment?

Class members participate in seven all-day leadership development sessions, including a two-day trip to Tallahassee, and a graduation ceremony.

How Do I Apply?

Complete the Leadership Academy online application.  All requested forms must be submitted by the application deadline.


Seminole State College
100 Weldon Boulevard
Sanford, Florida 32773-6199