Give to the American Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Endowed Scholarship

The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) is a professional association for those engaged in defense, intelligence, security, and all related technology disciplines. Membership includes military, government, industry, and academic organizations and individuals worldwide to provide thought leadership, networking, career advancement, media access, and professional development opportunities. Upholding the highest ethical standards in our support of those who respond, protect, secure and serve, as well as their industry and academia partners. In doing so, we help our members align technology and strategy to meet the needs of the global defense and security community.

The AFCEA Endowed Scholarship provides assistance to full-time students majoring in computer science, computer engineering, or information technology who maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 and are active in community service.

Additional Information

David Sardonini


Overcoming an inability to walk in his teenage years, David Sardonini's dedication, rehabilitation, and relentless perseverance led to triumph over this adversity. The lesson learned from this was clear; with determination and the right mindset, any obstacle can be conquered, inspiring my pursuit of a career in cybersecurity.

Sardonini decided to pursue a degree in information technology with a specialization in cybersecurity because of the meaningful impact he will be able to make in protecting those who cannot protect themselves. He wants to be part of the solution, defending against cyber threats and protecting fundamental rights, especially freedom of speech. Whether in a cybersecurity firm, government agency, or as an independent consultant, he aims to make a lasting impact on digital world security.

"I am writing to express my profound gratitude for the incredible opportunity you have afforded me through the AFCEA scholarship. The chance to delve into the world of cybersecurity, to acquire the skills necessary to defend people globally, is a privilege that I do not take lightly. Your generous support has not only lightened the financial burden of education but has also opened doors to a realm of knowledge that holds the potential to make a lasting impact on the security of individuals and communities worldwide.

The financial assistance provided by the AFCEA scholarship has allowed me to enroll in a comprehensive cybersecurity program, providing me with a solid foundation in understanding the intricacies of cyber threats and the tools needed to mitigate them. The curriculum is both challenging and enlightening, and I am constantly reminded of the responsibility that comes with acquiring these skills. It is not just about personal achievement; it is about contributing to a safer digital environment for everyone.

I want to assure you that this scholarship is not just an investment in my education; it is an investment in the collective security of people around the world. I am committed to applying the knowledge and skills gained through this scholarship to contribute meaningfully to the cybersecurity landscape. Your belief in my potential has not only empowered me personally but has also instilled a sense of responsibility to use my education for the greater good.

Once again, thank you for the incredible opportunity and for making a positive impact on the lives of aspiring cybersecurity professionals. I am genuinely grateful for the AFCEA’s dedication to advancing education and cybersecurity, and I look forward to a future where I can give back to the community in the same spirit." - David Sardonini


Foundation for Seminole State
1055 AAA Drive
Heathrow, FL 32746

To apply for scholarships, visit