Restrooms at Seminole State College

Florida law requires Florida’s public colleges to provide restrooms exclusively designated for males and females or a unisex restroom designed for a single occupant or family. All Seminole State campuses provide exclusive male/female designated restrooms as required.

The following locations also have unisex restrooms available as needed:

Sanford-Lake Mary Campus

  • Building J (second floor) – has no room number designation, but it has a sign to identify it.
  • Building C, room numbers 110C and 110D.  Access through C-110A/B, multi-purpose room, when it is open.
  • Building E.
  • Student Center, 184C.

Lee Campus at Oviedo

  • Building F (available upon request)

Altamonte Springs Campus

  • Altamonte Room 426H (inside the suite).
  • Altamonte H Building H138 and H139 (two single-user restrooms).

Heathrow Campus

  • Heathrow first floor lobby, northwest corner, through an unmarked door to a hallway.

A person may only enter a restroom of the opposite sex under the following conditions as outlined in Florida law:

  • To assist or chaperone a child under the age of 21, an elderly person, a person with a disability or a person with a developmental disability.
  • For law enforcement or governmental regulatory purposes.
  • For the purposes of rendering emergency medical assistance or to intervene in any other emergency where health or safety is at risk.
  • For custodial, maintenance or inspections (provided the restroom is not in use).
  • When the designated restroom is out of order or under repair (provided the restroom is not in use by anyone of the opposite sex).

Additional Information

Questions and comments may be directed to the Title IX Coordinator for Seminole State College:

Barbara Coleman-Foster
Associate Vice President, Organizational Culture and Strategy/Title IX Coordinator
100 Weldon Blvd., Sanford, FL 32773.

Equity and Diversity/Title IX,  7.25.17, updated 2.16.18, 7.8.19, 8.1.19, 7.23.21, 3.11.22


Barbara Coleman-Foster
Associate Vice President, Organizational Culture and Strategy/Title IX Coordinator