Community Disaster- On Campus
Emergency Response Plan
Safety and Security Dispatcher is alerted via campus call, ext. 2178 (407.708.2178) from an off-campus phone or cell phone or 911 call.
- Dispatch officers to scene.
- Complete first-responder assessment.
- Alert off-campus Emergency Responders.
- Alert appropriate college departments.
- Handle traffic/crowd control.
Emergency Responders
- Respond to situation.
- Provide medical assistance.
- Clear building(s) for re-entry.
- Provide official incident information for news media.
Facilities Management
- Secure utilities, as necessary.
- Provide Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning support, as necessary.
- Post signage at emergency site to inform faculty/staff/students.
- Provide HAZMAT information.
Marketing and Communications
- Alert appropriate top administrators.
- Issue immediate statement acknowledging that administration is aware of the incident and is investigating, more information will be released to the news media and the public as it becomes available.
- Alert appropriate college departments.
- Provide information to news media and serve as information hub.
- Establish telephone information hotline and updates as needed.
- Disseminate administrative decisions regarding the emergency.
- Appoint a spokesperson for the incident.
Emergency Management Team
- Review situation assessments and updates as they become available.
- Authorize relocation or cancellation of classes, if necessary.
- Authorize relocation or closing of staff offices, if necessary.
- Coordinate initial meeting - team leader.
Room Reservations
- Respond to administrative decision to cancel/relocate classes and other activities.
Facility users/Building occupants
- If directed to do so by Safety and Security or members of Emergency Management Team, evacuate building and move to Emergency Meeting Area for affected building.