Making an Appointment

Jay is sick today. He wants to make an appointment to see Dr. Kane. Jay calls his friend, Lane, to help him. Lane calls the doctor’s office to make the appointment for Jay. She talks to the doctor’s secretary, Mrs. Ray.

“Is he sick?” asks Mrs. Ray.

“Yes, he is,” says Lane. “Jay has a sore throat.”

“Let me check the schedule. Can he come in on Monday at 10:30?” asks Mrs. Ray.

“No, he can’t wait,” says Lane.

“Is he sick?” asks Mrs. Ray.

“Yes, he is,” says Lane. “Jay has a fever.”

“Oh, I see,” says Mrs. Ray. “Is he in pain?”

“Yes, he is. His back hurts,” says Lane.

“Let me look at the schedule again. Can he come in today at 10:30?”

“Yes, he can,” says Lane.

“What is Jay’s last name?” asks Mrs. Ray. “It’s Tate,” says Lane.

“How do you spell it?” asks Mrs. Ray.

T-a-t-e,” says Lane.

“Thanks,” says Mrs. Ray. “What is Jay’s phone number?”

“It’s 407.645.9988,” says Lane.

“Thanks,” says Mrs. Ray. “Please bring  Jaat 10.”

“Yes, thanks,” says Lane. “Goodbye.”

“Goodbye,” says Mrs. Ray.


Pronunciation of Long /a/ Vowel

Reading Infusion by: Mirtha O. Martinez (7/04)
Revised 5/10/06


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