Hybrid Early Childhood Professional Certificate Program
The following is the procedure candidates must follow to register for the hybrid Early Childhood Professional Certificate (ECPC) Program.
Admission Requirements
- Attend mandatory information session with vocational coordinator prior to the courses.
- Submit a completed Seminole State College application online
- Complete the Steps to Enroll.
- Complete Residency requirements - Florida State ID & Permanent Employment (30 hours) – (see Seminole State residency information pagefor more information)
- Submit proof of age (you must be at least 18 years old).
- Provide Official Transcript(s) indicating successful completion of standard high school or equivalent.
- Official - Sealed in an envelope from the school
Students Must:
- Provide documentation of successful completion of 40-Hour Introductory Childcare Training Certification with 10-Hour DAP in Preschool; Complete a 5-Hour DCF Emergent Literacy course required by (DCF) Department of Children & Family. Go to https://www.myflfamilies.com/childcaretraining and print out your transcript.
- Be employed in a licensed childcare setting working with children 3-5 years old (volunteering is not accepted).
- Bring proof of working at a childcare center by submitting one of the following:
- A letter from the director, on letterhead, stating the date you started and the hours you work, or
- Your three most current pay stubs
- Students must complete the following requirements before an Early Childhood Professional Certificate (ECPC) is awarded:
- Complete 480 hours of documented work experience with children age 5 years or younger in a licensed childcare setting by the end of the course.
- Successfully pass the ECPC course with a passing grade of "C" or higher.
- Department approval – Fill out registration form at information session.
*The ECPC is awarded by the Department of Education. The candidate will still be eligible to receive a National CDA if he or she wishes to apply to the National CDA Council.
- This program is not offered in Summer Semesters
- ECPC (State of Florida Staff Credential) must be renewed every five years.