History Pathway Associate in Arts

Study the past to make a difference in your future. Careers in history are wide-ranging and intellectually captivating. With the potential to pursue archaeology, academics, archiving or museum curation, this Associate in Arts program gets you started traveling back in time, so you can quickly jump forward to a four-year university.

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Getting Started: Summer Term

May 5:  Application

May 12:  Classes Begin

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Why Seminole State?

  • Affordable tuition: Earn a state university education at about half the cost.
  • Small class sizes: With classes of 30 or less, you don’t have to learn in an auditorium.
  • Online degree option: The courses for our A.A. degree are offered in person and online, so you can study when and where you want. 
  • Seamless transition: With your A.A. degree, you can stay at Seminole State to continue your progress toward a bachelor’s degree in a high-demand field.
  • Guaranteed transfer: Earn your A.A. here, and take advantage of guaranteed admission to UCF or one of Florida’s other state universities for your bachelor’s.
  • More than 100 University Transfer Pathways: Take prerequisite courses for majors in various fields from accounting to theater.
History Pathway
Type: Associate in Arts
Major Code: HIS-HIST
CIP: 1192401010

Program Description

Available Course Course Not Offered Summer 2025

Choose 6 credits from the following list:

6 Credits
United States History to 1877 Gen Ed Core Civic Lit
In this course students will examine United States history from before European contact to 1877. Topics will include but are not limited to indigenous peoples, the European background, the colonial period, the American revolution, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, issues within the new republic, sectionalism, manifest destiny, slavery, the American Civil War, and Reconstruction. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This class satisfies the General Education State Core Social Science/History requirement for degree seeking students and partially satisfies the Florida state civic literacy requirement per Florida Statutes Section 1007.25 for all students.
In this course students will examine United States history from before European contact to 1877. Topics will include but are not limited to indigenous peoples, the European background, the Colonial Period, the American Revolution, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, issues within the New Republic, Sectionalism, Manifest Destiny, Slavery, the American Civil War, and Reconstruction. Honors level content. Permission required from Honors Director. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This class satisfies the General Education State Core Social Science/History requirement for degree seeking students and partially satisfies the Florida state civic literacy requirement per Florida Statutes Section 1007.25 for all students.
In this course, students will trace the history of the United States from the end of the Reconstruction era to the Contemporary era. Topics will include but are not limited to the rise of industrialization, the United States emergence as an actor on the world stage, Constitutional Amendments and their impact, the Progressive Era, World War I, the Great Depression and New Deal, World War II, the Civil Rights Era, the Cold War, and the United States since 1989. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Social Science/History requirement and partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This course partially satisfies the Florida State Civic Literacy requirement per Florida Statutes.
In this course, students will trace the history of the United States from the end of the Reconstruction Era to the Contemporary Era. Topics will include but are not limited to the rise of industrialization, the United States’ emergence as an actor on the world stage, Constitutional Amendments and their impact, the Progressive era, World War I, the Great Depression and New Deal, World War II, the Civil Rights era, the Cold War, and the United States since 1989. Honors level content. Acceptance into the Honors program or permission from the Honors Director required. This course satisfies the General Education State Core Social Science/History requirement and partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030. This course partially satisfies the Florida State Civic Literacy requirement per Florida Statutes.
This course presents the history of Florida from the pre-Columbian era to the present with a special focus on Central Florida. Topics include pre-contact, colonial and modern periods with emphasis on political developments, population growth and associated social, economic and environmental issues.
This course will cover the role of women in American history from the colonial period to the present. Emphasis will be placed upon studying primary sources (historical artifacts) and secondary sources that demonstrate the contributions of women to the economic, social, and political development of the United States.
This course will cover the role of women in American history from the colonial period to the present. Emphasis will be placed upon studying primary sources (historical artifacts) and secondary sources that demonstrate the contributions of women to the economic, social, and political development of the United States.
This course analyzes the background of Africans before the foundation of the United States. It examines the "Triangle Trade" and Africans in colonial and revolutionary America, including the lives of free Black Americans. The events and issues leading up to the American Civil War are included. This course concludes with a look at the late-19th and early 20th centuries.
In this course, topics of current interest are presented in group instruction. This course may be taken four times for credit.
This course covers topics of current interest.
This course traces the rise of Western civilization from 1000 B.C.E. to the Renaissance, c. 1600. It emphasizes Greek civilization, including drama, mythology, philosophy and the origins of Greek democracy and then examines the late Roman Republic and early Roman Empire followed by the rise of Christianity, Islam, the Byzantine Empire, the "Flowering of Medieval Culture" and the Christian Synthesis of the late Middle Ages. The European Renaissance and the Reformation including social, political and philosophical issues will be discussed. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030.
This course traces the rise of Western civilization from 1000 B.C.E. to the Renaissance, c. 1600. It emphasizes Greek civilization, including drama, mythology, philosophy and the origins of Greek democracy and then examines the late Roman Republic and early Roman Empire followed by the rise of Christianity, Islam, the Byzantine Empire, the "Flowering of Medieval Culture" and the Christian Synthesis of the late Middle Ages. The European Renaissance and the Reformation including social, political and philosophical issues will be discussed. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030.
This course covers the period from c. 1600 to the present. Topics include the scientific revolution, the rise of absolute monarchy in Europe, the 18th-century Enlightenment and the French Revolution. The impact of Napoleon is addressed as is the Industrial Revolution. Cultural ideas from Romanticism to social Darwinism are analyzed. European imperialism, World War I and the rise of fascism lead to a discussion of World War II. The Cold War and the modern period conclude the course. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030.
This course covers the period from c. 1600 to the present. Topics include the scientific revolution, the rise of absolute monarchy in Europe, the 18th-century Enlightenment and the French Revolution. The impact of Napoleon is addressed as is the Industrial Revolution. Cultural ideas from Romanticism to social Darwinism are analyzed. European imperialism, World War I and the rise of fascism lead to a discussion of World War II. The Cold War and the modern period conclude the course. Permission required from Honors director. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030.
This course is scheduled for individual students who wish to explore topics not covered in the curriculum. The student must present a design of study (learning contract) to the faculty member who is to direct the work. Approval from the dean or director is required prior to registration.
This course will cover the history of Latin America from 1492 to the present, emphasizing the origins of Latin American countries, the influence of the Enlightenment, the development of political institutions, the relationship between Latin America and the U.S.A. and the response of modern Latin America to the challenges of democracy and economic development.
World History in the Modern Era from the Wester Canon perspective: The European expansion to the rest of the World; topics include the rise of Western Absolutism, the Enlightenment, the Age of Revolutions, the Industrial Revolution and Imperialism will be examined. Other topics include the background of the political developments in the Far East, Indian Sub Continent and Africa, the rise of Latin America, the World Wars and their results, including the decline of Colonialism and the Rise of Modern Nationalism. This course partially satisfies the writing requirement of S.B.E. 6A-10.030.
This course covers topics of current interest.
Total Credits: 60

Gen Ed Core   Denotes that a class is a State of Florida General Education Core Course.

Beginning in the 2022-23 academic year and thereafter, students entering associate in arts, associate in science or associate in applied science, or baccalaureate degree programs must complete at least one (1) course from each of the general education subject areas listed in this section prior to the awarding of their degree. Please refer to this catalog's Graduation Requirements section for specific requirements on the General Education Core Courses .

Civic Lit   Denotes that a class counts toward the course Civic Literacy Requirement.

The State of Florida requires that all students graduating from Seminole State College of Florida and other institutions in the Florida College System (FCS), as well as from any State University System (SUS) institution, fulfill a Civic Literacy Competency requirement prior to submitting an Intent to Graduate form in the term they plan to graduate. Requirements vary based on admit term and program. Please refer to this catalog’s Graduation Requirements section for specific requirements on the Civic Literacy Proficiency Requirement.

Foreign Language Proficiency

Per Florida Statute 1007.25, "Beginning with students initially entering a Florida College System institution or state university in 2014-2015 and thereafter, coursework for an associate in arts degree shall include demonstration of competency in a foreign language." Please refer to this catalog's Graduation Requirements section for specific requirements on Foreign Language Proficiency.

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Your pursuit of higher education is admirable. So why struggle with high tuition in the process? Here we make life’s next steps affordable. Whether you’re seeking a university transfer (A.A.) degree, a four-year bachelor’s, an Associate in Science degree or even earning a college credit certificate, you’ll find reasonable tuition and great value. And to us, that’s scholarly.

In fact, a full-time college education at Seminole State is more than $10,000 less each year than most state universities.

Go For Less.

Tuition and Fee Comparison*

 Seminole StateUFFSUUCF
Tuition and Fees$3,131$6,380$5,666 $5,954 
Room and Board-0-$12,120
$13,474 $12,542 
Books and Supplies$1,000$1,260$1,200$1,200

For more information on Seminole State's tuition and fees, please see the current fee schedule.

* Tuition costs are based on the current academic year for in-state students living on campus. Dorm fees, meal plans and book expenses are estimates based on cost of attendance information provided by the State University System of Florida. Lab fees and other fees that may be assessed at the time of registration may be viewed in the College fee schedule. As Seminole State is a commuter college with no residence halls on its campuses, costs for room and board are not calculated.