
EEC1011 Professionalism in Early Childhood Education

This course provides students with the opportunity to observe children, to gain experience working with children and to discuss what they see and learn with someone qualified to interpret behavior and to expose students to current knowledge about child development. Students will gain more understanding of the Code of Ethical Conduct and demonstrate the use of this code through their writings and reflections. While in the course, the student will develop a teaching portfolio, participate in professional employment scenarios and be observed in a childcare or public-school setting for the Florida Staff Credential. Students must have departmental approval before registering. This is a capstone course intended for the student to take the final semester. The field experience is composed of 80 clock hours conducted in an early childhood setting. To comply with Florida State Law, Chapter 402.305 2 (a), each prospective student must be fingerprinted and undergo a FDLE Level II background screening. The cost of these procedures is the responsibility of the student. Information received is confidential and is required to determine the eligibility of the prospective student to work with children. Department consent is required prior to registering for this course. Contact the Early Childhood Education Department for additional information about this requirement. Phone: 407 708-2673 or email:

Prerequisites: EEC 1000 and EEC 2200 with minimum grades of "C" or higher. Corequisite: EEC 1603 or EEC 2732 with a grade of "C" or higher.

Terms Typically Offered:Fall, Spring

Full Session
Online - 1 class available
Online  - 1 class available
Learn fully online on your own schedule. You do not need to log in to class at a specific time, but you do need to submit assignments and complete exams as required by your instructor.
40523------06/25 - 08/03---McCallisterMore Info
There are no textbooks required for this course. ZTC

There are no textbooks required for this course. ZTC

Room: OnlineProfessor: McCallister

Online class. Computer & Internet access required. Log in to Canvas as soon as the term begins to access your course Students who do not log into their course by the end of add/drop may be withdrawn from the class. Simply logging in to an online class does not count as attendance. Students must engage in an academically related activity and provide weekly activity reports.

Altamonte Springs  - no classes available
Heathrow  - no classes available
Lee Campus at Oviedo  - no classes available
Sanford/Lake Mary  - no classes available

Textbook information will be available online for each term's courses 45 days prior to the first day of classes for the term.

The courses in this catalog are identified by prefixes and numbers that were assigned by Florida's Statewide Course Numbering System, a system used by all public postsecondary institutions in Florida and 32 non-public institutions. Seminole State controls the description, credit and content of its own courses.