This course explains the principles of compressed air systems and describes their components and accessories. Reviews installation and periodic servicing of air compressor systems. Covers the troubleshooting and repair of fixtures, valves and faucets in accordance with code and safety guidelines. Explains how to diagnose and repair water supply and drainage piping, water heaters and other appliances and fixtures. Describes the effects of corrosion, freezing and hard water on plumbing systems. Describes the location and layout of plumbing systems for mobile home and travel trailer parks. Explains how to design and lay out a system, how to connect water and sewer lines to a mobile home and how to estimate materials and costs for the park. Lab fee required.
Terms Typically Offered:Fall, Spring, Summer
Textbook information will be available online for each term's courses 45 days prior to the first day of classes
for the term.
The courses in this catalog are identified by prefixes and numbers that were assigned by Florida's Statewide
Course Numbering System, a system used by all public postsecondary institutions in Florida and 32 non-public
institutions. Seminole State controls the description, credit and content of its own courses.