How You'll Be Notified
Seminole State uses multiple methods to reach members of the College community: students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, visitors and the news media.
Follow these steps to receive emergency notifications:
- Listen for emergency broadcasts through the Emergency Alert Phone System. Speaker phones are located in all classrooms and offices at Seminole State.
- Check your mobile phone for emergency text messages and push notifications sent via the Seminole State Safe app.
- Visit Seminole State's website for updates.
- Check the College's homepage, Newsroom, and social media (Facebook and Twitter) sites for updated information.
- Call the Emergency Hotline at 407.708.2290.
- Check your Seminole State email account. When possible, Seminole State will email messages to students, faculty and staff.
- Look for fliers, alerts on campus TV screens and regular updates from the news media.

A Lockdown situation can be used when there is a potential threat to campus safety such as, but not limited to, an Active Shooter or other violent threat.
What you will hear:
- There is police activity on campus.
- Seek shelter in place until given the all clear from College officials or local authorities.
- Lock and/or barricade doors, stay away from windows.
- Lockdown, Lockdown, Lockdown.

A Lockout notification can be used when an incident is occurring near the school that requires police response. Examples can include police searching for an individual in a neighboring community, and/or reports of a potentially dangerous situation near the campus.
What you will hear:
- There is police activity near the campus.
- Access into and out of the buildings has been restricted.
- This is a LockOUT, movement within the building should be limited while classes and general operations can continue.

A Severe Weather notification can is used when severe weather such as a tornado warning or other major weather event is occurring.
What you will hear:
- There is severe weather in the area, seek shelter immediately.

An All Clear notification will be sent out once the college can resume operations.
What you will hear:
- This is a message from Seminole State’s Emergency Notification System.
- Authorities have informed us that issues have been resolved and the college is cleared for normal operations.

Seminole State Emergency Notification system is tested several times a year.
What you will hear:
- This is a test of Seminole State’s Emergency Notification System.
- This concludes this test of Seminole State’s Emergency Notification System.