Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Testing Accommodations

Students requiring only extended time on exams must make prior arrangements with the instructor to take exams through the Assessment and Testing Office. Once the instructor has set a make-up exam session through the Testing Department, the student must make an appointment using the Testing Center Online portal. If you have any questions regarding scheduling a make-up test, you may call 407.708.2020 or visit the Testing office on any campus for assistance.

Readers, Notetakers, Interpreters

DSS makes arrangements for readers for students with blindness/visual impairments or reading disabilities, sign language or oral interpreters for students who are deaf or hard of hearing, and notetakers for students who are unable to take notes because of various disabilities. Provision of these services is made on an individual needs basis.

Assistive Technology

Contact DSS for an updated list of the specialized equipment that is available. Such equipment includes talking calculators, screen readers, adaptive computers, and other assistive devices.

Temporary Impairments

Temporary accommodations may be provided on a case-by-case basis as a courtesy service to students with temporary and/or transitory impairments so their enrollment can continue with minimal disruption.

Temporary impairments (broken leg, broken arm, scheduled or emergency surgery) are not covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), because this law applies to only permanent disabilities. A temporary or transitory impairment is an impairment with an actual or expected duration of six months or less. Documentation of the temporary impairment is required in order to receive courtesy services.

Students with temporary impairments are encouraged to contact DSS and provide documentation addressing the length of recovery so that the appropriate duration of accommodations may be determined. Please see the Documentation page for more information.

Student Handbook

If you would like to learn more about DSS accommodations, the DSS Student Handbook is available to download online.


For more information, please visit the Resources page.


General Information
Sanford/Lake Mary - 407.708.2110
Altamonte Springs - 407.404.6005
Oviedo - 407.971.5114