Bridge the Gap

It’s your time now! Ease into college!

Complete the Interest Form and apply for admission by May 3!

The time is now 2020 graduates! Don’t put off your education any longer. Seminole State College designed the Bridge the Gap program specifically to meet your needs and set you up for future college success.  

This program helps first-time-in-college students ease back into school, transition to college courses and develop crucial skills for future success. The best part? There are no out-of-pocket expenses! The Bridge the Gap program uses available financial aid and/or institutional funds to cover tuition, fees and books so students can get started and GO Far! 

Space is limited so apply by May 3 to secure your seat!

Program Perks

  • No out-of-pocket expenses (tuition, fees and books included). The College will use a combination of financial aid and institutional funds to cover the student's costs.
  • Take two classes over the summer, which runs May 10 - Aug. 4.
  • Access to college resources such as academic advisors, peer mentors, tutors and co-curricular activities.

Bridge the Gap Program Eligibility

To be eligible to enroll in this program, students must:

Bridge the Gap Program Requirements

Students will take SLS 1101 College Success during Summer 2021 A Session and ENC 1101 English I during Summer 2021 Full Session.

Seminole State offers several different class types. SLS 1101 College Success will be offered in a hybrid format and ENC 1101 English I will be offered in an in-person format. Students will have the choice between our Oviedo and Sanford/Lake Mary campuses to take each course. 

SLS 1101 College Success, A Session,  May 10 - June 21

ENC 1101 English I, Full Session, May 10 - Aug. 4

Math Boot Camp (Optional), B Session, June 23 - Aug. 4

Math Boot Camp

Students will have the option of attending a math boot camp during Summer 2021 B Session to refresh their mathematic skills. 

Participation in this free boot camp will not affect your GPA, but if you attend 75 percent of the sessions, you will be eligible for a book stipend for your Fall 2021 math course!

The Bridge the Gap program was created in collaboration with Seminole County Public Schools (SCPS). While priority will be given to SCPS graduates, all 2020 Florida graduates are welcome to apply!

The deadline to submit the Interest Form and Application for Admission is May 3

If you have questions about the Bridge the Gap program, please contact Ashley Toyzan

*Available financial aid, including pell grants, will be used to cover the costs of the Bridge the Gap program. Any remaining costs will be covered by institutional funds so there will be no out-of-pocket costs to the student.


Ashley Toyzan
Assistant Director, Student Recruitment